Hang Man

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I Should Have Left It Alone

Addendum to yesterday's post.

I decided I needed to finish at least some of the chores I started. I finished sweeping the carpet and the tile.

(Side note: Do not under any circumstances install white or beige or any light colored tile flooring. Unless of course you like sweeping or if you have a maid. It shows every hair and every crumb. I hate it!) back to the story....

I thought I should tackle the light fixture in the kitchen that I ignored before. The light fixture is actually florescent tube lights that are covered by a drop ceiling with semi transparent plastic tiles. I have installed a drop ceiling before so I know how it works. I figured this would be a piece of cake. I removed the tiles with no problem and cleaned them.

(Another side note: I have to sweep the floor again since everything that was on top of the tiles fell on the floor. Poor planning on my part.)

So I am attempting to put the tiles back and I get one tile in ok. I start to put in the second tile and everything fell down on my head; track and all. I got the track put back together and reinstalled and began putting the tiles back in again. This time everything fell down on my head and one of the plastic tiles broke. Perfect! Another attempt.....fell down again. On my last attempt I had three of the four tiles in and again everything fell down and another tile broke. I give up!!!!!

Now I have to drive 80 miles round trip to visit a Lowes to buy two pieces of $2 tiles. I could go to Home Depot which would shave off about 10 miles of my trip, but they pissed me off once so I refuse to shop there.

You've heard of the sayings: "let sleeping dogs lie", Leave well enough alone, If it's not broke don't fix it, and Don't a poke a skunk. Those pretty much sum up what I should have done (or not done) in regards to the ceiling tiles.

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