Hang Man

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Jax Halloween

Go to my Photo Gallery and click on the Jax Halloween 08 to see a cute little slide show. I couldn't download it directly to my blog for some reason, so go check it out.

Halloween Antics

I'm a bad Nanu, but in my defense I can only be one place at once. Brad probably wishes I was in another place instead of with them. I decided to dress up Ellie and my plans were to trick or treat with Jax for the first half of the trick or treat hours and with Julian and Nickel the second half. Well, Ellie kind of stole the show in her princess outfit. Everyone was commenting on the cute dog. One lady asked me: "what is his name?" "Jaxon", I replied. "No, the dogs name?" Oops! I also made the mistake of letting Jax hold Ellie once and now he doesn't want to put her down. So the whole time if Jax wasn't holding Ellie, he was screaming. Amanda and Brad's expectations of a perfect Halloween were shattered by reality. Ellie and I won't be invited next year. I am ready to leave to go see Julian and Nickel, and Sarah sends me a text that they are just about done. Crap! I got there just as they were getting back to Sarah's parents house. I missed the whole thing, but at least I was going to watch them later that evening while Sarah and Bryan went to a party. Bryan and Sarah came over to get dressed for their party. Sarah was a dirty pirate hooker and Bryan was an 80's rocker. Bryan wore some of my clothes and a wig and I put his makeup on. (Something I never thought would happen). I figured out why his look disturbed me so much......He looked like me! You be the judge.

Friday, October 31, 2008


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

New Fad


I am shocked that Lauren and Sarah knew what the Neti pot was. Apparently though I am the one out of the loop. I guess it's the new thing in nasal care. All of the best noses are using them. I rank it just above ear candling. There is evidence that using a saline spray in your nose may be effective if you feel like you are getting a cold or having an allergy attack. I agree with that, however; spending $20 on a ceramic pitcher to pour saline up your nose is insane as far as I'm concerned. Not to mention that it can't feel very good. Save the 20 bucks and put a straw in a glass of saline and suck it up. That will work and it's a lot cheaper. Why can't I come up with these retarded inventions and make a million dollars

What is it?

What is that you ask? Looks like a creamer pitcher, sort of. Obviously liquid is put into it and poured out. But what liquid and where is it poured. Ponder that for awhile and I will get back to you.

Moving Forward

I'm over it (for now). I've done my wallowing in self pity, crying, screaming, etc.... I am a firm believer in expressing your feelings, getting them out in the open, dealing with them, and then moving on. Joe is a suppressor. He likes to keep everything in and pretend it isn't happening. I would explode if I did that. There would be Patti shrapnel everywhere. I took one of the sayings off of my list of "What I always say." The one about "don't sweat the small stuff." I used to say that a lot, then Bryan pointed out many times that I wasn't doing that. I have decided that that is a really dumb thing to say anyway. "Small stuff" is such a relative and subjective term. So I added the one about the assholes. Amanda pointed out to me yesterday that I neglected to have that on the list. That may be my favorite because it's so true.
Ok, so I am moving on and feeling better. I think I may have scared everyone a little. Plus no one was commenting on my blogs for fear of what to say that might send me over the edge. I tend to say out loud what most people only think. That's just me being deliciously me! It's when I don't say anything that you have to worry.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Change of Plans

I totally caved. I can't do it. I cancelled Mom's transfer to the nursing home (at least for now). For many many reasons I just can't do it. I visited her today and asked her why she was ok with everything the day we visited the nursing home, but changed her mind later? She said she had a chance to think about it and didn't want to do it. I guess we will just take it one day at a time and see how things go. Joe and I weren't home more than 15 minutes from our visit with her when Kingston called to say that she fell again. That makes probably 30 or more falls in the last 5 months. Apparently her osteoporosis isn't that bad because she never seems to get hurt (knock on wood). My insanity has subsided a little (not much) but now I'm going to go eat cake. Probably a 6 x 6 piece. That will make me feel better for about 10 minutes.