Julie and the triplets visited over the weekend. It was kid city! We had all 6 of the grand kids here and of course one was sick.
Jax was not feeling well with a pretty nasty head cold. I tried to keep him quarantined from the other kids so we didn't spread the germs. There was lots of 4 wheeler riding and wagon pulling going on.
Sippy cups out the wazoo. I felt like I needed a
sippy cup. I don't know how Julie does it. The kids are good kids, but one is always needing something. She never gets a break. They are getting so big with big personalities. I took one of the bunnies out of their cage so they could pet him. They were sitting in their train wagon so I went down the line to let each one see the bunny. I started with Connor who reached right out and petted the bunny with no reserve. Then I went to Harrison who reached out two fingers and tapped the bunny a couple times. Then on to Addie who was shaking her head no before I even bent over.
Sooooo cute! I could see it in Joe's face how happy he was to have them here. And talk about energy, he was pulling them in the train wagon and taking them rides on the 4 wheeler. I didn't think I did that much and I was exhausted. Apparently early Sunday morning there was a huge electrical storm that woke the babies up at 5am. I didn't even know it rained I was so sounded asleep. I think it was a fun weekend for everyone but snotty nose