Hang Man

Saturday, December 25, 2010

You Mess With My Mom, You Get Me!

A few days ago I wrote about the issue at the Nursing Home with the TV in my Mom's room which belongs to her roommate.  I had a suspicion the problem was being generated by the daughter of the roommate.  Today my suspicion was confirmed.  Apparently the daughter had to buy a new TV because the screen of the first TV went out.  She attributed it to the fact the TV was used too much.  Funny thing .....She did this before my Mom was even there!    Today when I walked in to Mom's room, the TV was moved at an angle away from Mom's side of the room.  ARE YOU KIDDING ME!  Words cannot convey how pissed I was.  What a pompous little bitch (the daughter, not the roommate).  I can say that with certainty because I have met her.  I couldn't decide what kind of person she was in the brief three times that I had talked to her before all this hoopla, but there always seemed to be incongruity between her words and her actions.  I guess my instincts were correct.

This whole issue is so ridiculous my brain can't process it.  All I know is she is messing with my Mom.  Nobody messes with my Mother and gets away with it.  How can someone be so cruel to a 90 year old woman.  I never said anything when the roommates belongings encroached on my Mom's side of the room or when she got in to Mom's candy.  It really didn't matter.  Today it mattered and I turned into a stubborn 10 year old.  I measured the floor space and found the middle of the room.  Everything of hers that was on Mom's side was pushed over.  I'm going to rearrange the room (I have to get permission from Social Service first) so Mom won't even have to look in the direction of her roommates TV.  It's gonna be awesome when both TV's are on different channels with the volume up.

I know I should let it go and be adult about it; and I will in time.  But this is my Mother we are talking about.  My sweet never hurt a fly, give you the shirt off her back, Mother.  Every time I think about it I want to put my boot in daughter's ass.

Which Came First, The Chicken Or The Egg?

I have learned a lot about chickens over the course of the last few years and it is very interesting to me how their little society parallels human society.  The term "pecking order" which is often used in human society obviously came from watching chickens.  They really do have a structure to their little flock.  My flock is no exception.  There is the leader (Rocky) who is a huge rooster.  The downtrodden of the bunch are the Buff Orphingtons; they are the only ones that get their tail feathers picked off by the others.  Then you have the outcast which is also a rooster (Sheldon).  He is smaller and a big bully so he is often by himself.  All of the rest are the followers; only causing a stir every once in awhile.  For the most part, however; the followers mind their own business. 

Last evening when I went to lock up the girls for the night, all of the young chickens were still out in the barn running around.  My two old girls were already up on their roost and ready for bed.  Even old chickens turn in early.

The old adages that come from chicken behavior now make sense to me.  For instance:  "don't count your chickens before they hatch."  Mainly because not all chicken eggs are viable.  "Don't get your tail feathers ruffled."  If you try to take an egg out from under a hen, they will fluff up their tail feathers as a sign of agitation and warning.  "Cocky", or "cock of the walk."  Roosters strut around like they own the place.  "Hen pecked" is a good one.  The hens will seek out a weaker hen and pick at the feathers on their rump.  Once they start picking they don't usually stop.  If pecked at long enough, they sometimes die.  I could go on and on but you get the idea.

I have, however; solved the age old question of: "which came first the chicken or the egg?"  It was the chicken of course.  Without the chicken to sit on the egg to incubate it, it wouldn't survive.  I'm glad that is finally settled.

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Merry Christmas

Friday, December 24, 2010

The Moments That Take Your Breath Away

I never thought I would be reduced to tears in a Best Buy store.  But it happened.  I was standing in the customer service line along with 4 or 5 other people and one man in military fatigues.  There was a little boy probably 2 years old in a camo jacket looking intently at the soldier.  Another man walked over to the soldier and shook his hand and thanked him for his service.  After seeing a lot of people behaving badly recently, this was a welcome change.  The little boy kept looking at the soldier and his Father noticed.  The Father says: "that's pretty cool huh?  The little boy shakes his head yes.  The Father then says "maybe we should shake his hand and thank him."  The  boy seemed a little timid so the Father shook the soldiers hand.  Then this little 2 year old walks up to the soldier and puts out his hand, never taking his eyes off of the soldier.  It was the most moving moment I have witnessed in a long time.  That was my Merry Christmas moment.
Most people reading this are aware that my Mother is in a Nursing Home (which I hate).  She's seems to be doing well with their care.  I have my doubts at times, but I have to admit I try not to see the bad things.  They are short staffed just like everywhere which really sucks since their business is to "take care of" the infirmed.  Isn't that what you call an oxymoron?  I will say they do call anytime there is an issue; which I know is a requirement by law, but it makes them accountable.

I got a call yesterday. (My heart sinks a little every time they call because I never know if it's going to be bad news.)  The nurse proceeds to tell me that she thinks I should get a TV for Mom.  She was apparently watching her roommates and the aides went to turn it off and she yelled at them not to.  To back track a little, I didn't get Mom a TV when she first moved in because her TV was an old model and very large (space is limited).  Plus the roommate has at least a 32" flat screen placed right in the middle of the room.  There isn't really an issue of fighting about what to watch, because I don't think either of them care.  It's just company.  I figured if I brought in a TV for Mom it would be crazy loud and she wouldn't be able to work it anyway.  Since the large TV was there I didn't see the harm in her watching it.  I am assuming Mom's roommates daughter is behind this.  She actually put a note on the TV that states: "Turn off the TV if Irene is not in the room".  Underlying meaning:  don't let the roommate watch her TV.  Doesn't this seem a little petty? Or am I being too sensitive?  Uuuuuuugh, drama at the Nursing Home. 

I will get Mom a TV....anything to make her happy.  All I can say is her roommate better keep her damn hands out of my Mother's candy.  How's that for petty!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Don't Ask, Don't Tell

I never really understood why there had to be a policy made like the military; "don't ask, don't tell".  What difference does it make???  If a person decides to join the military to help protect our country why should we care about their sexual orientation .  The only people that would care are the homophobes out there.  That is one phobia I have zero tolerance for.    If a gay person dies in the line of duty it is no less tragic or heroic than when a straight person dies.  Besides; "gay" and "straight" doesn't define a person.  It's who they are and what they offer to the world around them that matters.  Soooo GET OVER IT PEOPLE! Thank goodness the government finally did.

To Quote Ross Matthews on Chelsea Lately: "We're here, we're queer, and we do your hair!"  That guy is HILARIOUS!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Addendum To December 4th Post

No wonder the Salvation Army bell ringers are happy.  They are getting paid.  I'm pretty sure it's only minimum wage, however; some things I have read infer they get a percentage of the take.  It's not that I don't think they should get paid.  Standing out in the frigid cold deserves compensation, however; it takes away from the "Good Will To All" mystique of Christmas.  Seeing those people out there ringing their bell and singing and wishing everyone a Merry Christmas just makes you want to give because they are giving.  Well the old adage:  "nothing is free" certainly rings true.  "Rings" true....hahahaha..get it?  Maybe I'm just trying to make myself feel less guilty for not giving every time I pass a red can.  There is that guilt thingy again.  We do an awful lot in the name of guilt.

In all fairness though, I guess some of the ringers are volunteers.   I'll keep that in mind next time I pass a red can.