Hang Man

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Addendum To December 4th Post

No wonder the Salvation Army bell ringers are happy.  They are getting paid.  I'm pretty sure it's only minimum wage, however; some things I have read infer they get a percentage of the take.  It's not that I don't think they should get paid.  Standing out in the frigid cold deserves compensation, however; it takes away from the "Good Will To All" mystique of Christmas.  Seeing those people out there ringing their bell and singing and wishing everyone a Merry Christmas just makes you want to give because they are giving.  Well the old adage:  "nothing is free" certainly rings true.  "Rings" true....hahahaha..get it?  Maybe I'm just trying to make myself feel less guilty for not giving every time I pass a red can.  There is that guilt thingy again.  We do an awful lot in the name of guilt.

In all fairness though, I guess some of the ringers are volunteers.   I'll keep that in mind next time I pass a red can.

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