Hang Man

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Shopping Cart Rage

I seriously wanted to knock over an old lady pushing a shopping cart in Toys R Us.  First of all I should have never been in that store.  It is not good for my mental status.  I thought I would brave it since it was the middle of the week and it's not time for last minute shopping yet.  Who knew that many people would be shopping on a Wednesday.  Who knew so many stupid people would be shopping on a Wednesday.  Toy R Us shopping carts are quite large so they take up most of the aisle.  No way are two cart going to fit in one aisle at the same time.  So, of course every aisle I wanted to go down was blocked by someone.  All of the sudden I see an open lane.  A straight shot to the front of the store.  I position myself for a speedy exit when all of the sudden an old lady comes out of a side aisle and cuts me off.  She then proceeds to leisurely walk and stop to browse while taking up the entire aisle.  I had Nicholas with me so I had to be nice, but I so wanted to ram her cart and push her out of the way.  I finally made my way past her when she made a right turn.  She was oblivious to the fact there was a line of 4 people behind her; or maybe she just didn't care.  If I am going to continue to try and shop in public then I guess I'm going to have to adopt that "I don't care" attitude.  I wanted to get out of the store as soon as possible so her and I wouldn't be on the road together.  If she drives her cart that way I'm sure her car is not much different.  I thought I was home free until I was exiting the parking lot.  Here comes this 20 something girl, talking on her cell phone, smoking a cigarette and driving on the wrong side of the lane attempting to cut me off so she could get a close parking spot so her fat ass didn't have to waste any steps.  I was poised to floor it and run her car back to where she came from, until I noticed she had a small child in the backseat.  Poor innocent child she is unaware that her Mother is an inconsiderate ass; or maybe she knows and secretly wishes I would have run her over.

I wouldn't really do most of the stuff I have mentioned, they are just fleeting thoughts to make me feel better. However; if I continue to shop from now until Christmas those fleeting thoughts are more likely to become an impulsive act.  So I'm staying home so I can stay out of jail.  I have no patience for rude people especially this time of year.

Christmas shopping.....bah humbug!

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