Hang Man

Monday, December 6, 2010

That Ship Has Sailed

It finally happened at 51 years old,  (1,617,255,554 seconds old).   I was not the one that everyone thought didn't look their age.  That torch has been passed on to my daughter.  Amanda and I were getting a mani/pedi.  The technician asked Amanda if she is a runner (she has strong calves).  Amanda said yes and proceeded to talk about her running and running while pregnant.  When the tech learned that Amanda  had a child she acted shocked and told Amanda: "You have a baby, I thought you were one of the high school students getting ready for semi-formal.  You look so young."  There is no disputing the fact that Amanda does look young.  It's just that used to be me!  I was the one people would say looked young.  I used to be able to use my physical attributes to get the advantage.  Not anymore.  As they say, "that ship has sailed".  Son of a...
Now I have to rely on my smarts and wits to get the advantage.  Oh shit, I'm in trouble.  Showing a little cleavage was so much easier than having to think.  Now if I do that I run the risk of being arrested for disgusting exposure (not to be confused with indecent exposure which is much more provocative).

I know what I need to do now.....quit hanging out with anyone younger than me.  If I start hanging out at the Senior Citizens center I would no doubt be one of the younger ones.  I could rise back up in the ranks.

Carry on Amanda use it to your advantage and enjoy it while it lasts.  As they say...If you got it, flaunt it before it fall to low that no amount of push up will help.  Maybe "they" don't say that, but "they" should.

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