I rented a sod remover, which was a lot of fun. Then I had a friend come over with a bobcat to level the area off and dig it a little deeper. (Should have skipped the sod remover and just went with the bobcat.) Anyway, I decided to border the area with cement blocks. I picked the blocks because they are cheap and also because that is what I made my raised garden beds from.
5 days later and about 3000 lbs, this is what it looks like.
I have a vision of the finished product (kind of). I pretty much winged it as I went. I probably should have drawn up some plans, but a true artist creates as the spirit moves them. There will be pea gravel around the pit area and I'm putting a garden area at one end.
I'll show you the finished product as soon as I am done. Joe says no more projects! I haven't told him about the building plans I have for a cute little garden cottage. I'll wait a few weeks to spring that on him.