Hang Man

Saturday, June 6, 2009

How The Other Half Lives

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Joe takes me to the nicest places, but only if it's free. We got to go to Dick Freeland's mansion tonight for a fund raiser. Little did they know, there weren't any funds to be raised from us. Joe's office made a donation so we got to ride in on their coat tails. For anyone that doesn't know, Dick Freeland is uber wealthy. He own 40 Pizza Hut franchises among other businesses. A few years ago he had the highest grossing Pizza Hut in the US. It was in Kendallville, Indiana. Anyway, he built this huge mansion which happens to be about a mile from our house. I like to tell everyone that we are neighbors. We go to his house for caviar and Kobe beef. He comes to our house for hot dogs. Not really, I don't even know what the guy looks like. Supposedly he was there tonight but I never saw him. He does fund raisers at his house all the time. The "house" by the way is 24,586 sq. ft., 19 rooms and 12 full baths, although it only has 4 bdrms. It was built more for an entertainment venue for the wealthy than a home. Apparently when he goes to the Pizza Hut in the sky, the house will belong to the State or City or something like that. He doesn't have to pay taxes because of whatever deal he has going on.
So we get there and right off some guy tries to steal our car. Joe said that he was a valet or something like that and it was ok. I don't know, it seemed fishy to me. We go through the front door that probably weighed 1000 lbs. It was the thickness of 2 doors and solid oak. The curtain on the window in the foyer probably cost more than my entire wardrobe. Now that I think of it, I could have made a pretty nice dress out of it. As we were standing in line to sign the guest book, I was looking around at all of the decorations. I'm quite sure that nothing was from Walmart. There was a basket on the table with these silver gourds. I had to touch them. They were heavy, solid. Probably Sterling Silver and there were at least 10 of them. I tell Joe: "Check these out, they aren't plastic, they're silver!" The lady in front of me didn't appear to be amused by my observation. We probably only saw a quarter of the house. What we saw was quite impressive. The food was really good, but it needed salt. Why don't rich people ever have salt on the table? Just because it's a buffet doesn't mean the food won't need salt. I give the dessert only a mediocre rating. What they had was good, but not much of a variety. I guess they spent too much money on the silver gourds and there wasn't enough left for dessert. The grounds around the house was my favorite. Beautiful views and gardens, and a small lake. I was gathering up a few select people to do a little skinny dipping in the lake, but Joe decided that it might not be such a good idea. I said that anyone that puts a lake, ponds and numerous fountains on their property is asking for people to skinny dip. It would probably be rude not to.
Yes it was beautiful, but I was happy to get back to our humble little home. Besides I hate cleaning the bathrooms that we have. Why would I want a house with 12 bathrooms.
Dorothy knew what she was talking about. There's no place like home!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Etsy Shop

I've got my ETSY shop up and running! Six items listed so far, about a zillion to go. Check it out! I'm gonna be rich!!!!!

Go to the links of interest and click on Pattioriginals.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Start The Bidding At $1.00

Nothing gets my heart racing like a good auction. If you've never been to an auction, you should go. Just don't go to the ones I go to, I don't need the competition. I usually see my neighbor at every auction I go to. Her and I have the same taste and we continually end up bidding on the same items. This by the way is not my nemesis neighbor, this neighbor I really like. We usually find a way to work it out. There is a certain finesse needed to navigate an auction and come up with some good bargains. I pretty much wear my emotions on my sleeve and when I am excited about something, it shows! You have to have your poker face on for an auction. Not only because you'll look like an ass if you don't, but because the auctioneers really know how to play to your excitement. It's really easy to get carried away. I should probably take someone with me to help hold my arms down if I get out of control. Here is a list of my purchases from yesterday's auction:

Cutting board table
Child's table/coffee table
Rustic stool
Shop Vac
5' level
Rubber mallet
8 wooden bowls/misc wood serving dishes
Craftsman circular saw
Some other saw (I don't really know what it is)

How much did I pay??????? Drum roll please!................$17.00. Now can you see why I am soooooo excited. The 5' level is worth more than that. The fun thing is when you bid on something and they throw in random shit with it. For instance, when the level came up for bid, they also had the rubber mallet and hammer with it. I really didn't want the rubber mallet and hammer. They were the bonus gifts. I got the level for $1. Sometimes the extra stuff they throw in is literally junk, but it's fun sifting through the boxes to see if there are any treasures. That is also why I got a saw that I don't know what it's for. It came with the Craftsman saw, which I also got for $1. Sometimes you end up making an impulse purchase. Last year I bought a lathe. I had every intention of using it. The problem is, I don't have the slightest clue how to use it. Who has time for lessons. I am in the process of trying to resell it. Anyone want a vintage Craftsman wood lathe mounted on a work bench is good working order??????? Let me know, and I'll make you a good deal.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


I finally posted something for sale on my ETSY web page. It's already had 10 views. How cool is that!!?? I have more things to post, but they want you to put down the postage for each item. I haven't figured out how to do that yet. There has to be a rate schedule somewhere. If anyone knows how people do that, let me know. I'm gonna be raking in the big bucks. Joe can retire now, I got it covered.

Happy Birthday Ellie

Ellie was 5 yesterday! I didn't feel right about putting her Birthday greeting in with my Dad's. She is after all just a dog. (Don't tell Joe I said that). She didn't get a cake or anything like that, but I did carry her around in one of her carriers while I mowed the grass. She sat there like a little princess and growled whenever I got close to the chickens or the rabbits. She's very possessive. Love her or hate her, she's part of the family.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Happy Birthday Daddy

My dad would have been 89 years old today if he had not died at the young age of 63. I can't believe he has been dead 25 years! I miss my Daddy. He taught me a lot of things, and most of them I didn't realize until after he was gone. He would be glad to know that all of those times when he thought I wasn't listening, I really was. Maybe I didn't apply his teachings then, but I do now on a daily basis. The moral of the story is: when you have told your child for the hundreth time what to do or not to do, eventually it will sink in. It may be 20 years, but it will sink in. So don't give up.