Hang Man

Friday, October 30, 2009

Things That Go Bump In The Night

I miss my honey! He's in Florida without me. It's 95 degrees there by the way. He's been doin a lot of fishing with the good 'ol boys. He caught a Tarpon. I'm not sure how big the one he caught was, but they can get pretty big and put up one hell of a fight. I would have loved to have seen that!

I've been sleeping with someone else since Joe's been gone. I have already confessed to Joe and he's ok with it. They are his friends too; Smith and Wesson. I usually don't get scared by myself, but I let my mind get the best of me and I was convinced that someone was going to come in my house and get me. I make sure all the doors are locked and I have all of the outside lights on. I used to feel comforted in the fact that Bear was here. He was a great watch dog and protector in his day. Not so much anymore. He's partially blind and stone cold deaf. I am however going to have to double check the outside of the door before I lock it from the inside. Last night I left the key in the outside lock. Brilliant!

I told Joe about my insecurities and he was a little amused. He was surprised that I was scared. He says: "Even if I was there, how am I going to protect you? I'm a wimp. Or do you just want me there so you can push me in front so you can get away?"
Good point! He may not protect me, but I know that if anyone ever broke into the house while he was there he would do whatever it took to protect........Ellie. So, as long as I remained behind him and Ellie I would be ok too.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday Lisa!!!! I haven't been on my blog in a few days. I'm behind in my birthday wishes. I hope you had a wonderful birthday! I Love You!

Wildlife Control

I've been doing a little wildlife management lately. A family of red squirrels decided my newly sided barn was the perfect place to hole up for the winter. I had other ideas. For a week or so I've been hearin a lot of scampering in the barn rafters and gnawing of wood. Tapping on the walls didn't seem to deter them. They kept on gnawing and scampering. The red squirrels are much more rodent like than the regular squirrels and probably more destructive. I put out a live trap and within 2 days I had my first capture. I put him in the back of my truck. I had to go to a house to pick up some items that I bought at auction. The house was on 20 some wooded acres so Bryan and I decided that we would just let him out there. He was happy to be free and scurried away. Two days later I had another squirrel. I figured I'd let him out at the same place so he could find his friend. It was evening and I decided to take Ellie with me for the ride. I had to put the squirrel in the car with me because my truck is broken. That was a big mistake. As soon as Ellie realized there was another animal in the car she went nuts! Ellie was growling and the squirrel was chattering and running back and forth in the cage. I thought for sure the squirrel was going to get out and be running around my car. I had a heck of a time trying to keep Ellie back while I tried to let the squirrel go. One day later I captured my third squirrel and again I took him to the same place to release him. I didn't take Ellie this time. I have the trap set again. We'll see what happens tonight.