Hang Man

Friday, October 30, 2009

Things That Go Bump In The Night

I miss my honey! He's in Florida without me. It's 95 degrees there by the way. He's been doin a lot of fishing with the good 'ol boys. He caught a Tarpon. I'm not sure how big the one he caught was, but they can get pretty big and put up one hell of a fight. I would have loved to have seen that!

I've been sleeping with someone else since Joe's been gone. I have already confessed to Joe and he's ok with it. They are his friends too; Smith and Wesson. I usually don't get scared by myself, but I let my mind get the best of me and I was convinced that someone was going to come in my house and get me. I make sure all the doors are locked and I have all of the outside lights on. I used to feel comforted in the fact that Bear was here. He was a great watch dog and protector in his day. Not so much anymore. He's partially blind and stone cold deaf. I am however going to have to double check the outside of the door before I lock it from the inside. Last night I left the key in the outside lock. Brilliant!

I told Joe about my insecurities and he was a little amused. He was surprised that I was scared. He says: "Even if I was there, how am I going to protect you? I'm a wimp. Or do you just want me there so you can push me in front so you can get away?"
Good point! He may not protect me, but I know that if anyone ever broke into the house while he was there he would do whatever it took to protect........Ellie. So, as long as I remained behind him and Ellie I would be ok too.

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