Hang Man

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Shopping Cart Rage

I seriously wanted to knock over an old lady pushing a shopping cart in Toys R Us.  First of all I should have never been in that store.  It is not good for my mental status.  I thought I would brave it since it was the middle of the week and it's not time for last minute shopping yet.  Who knew that many people would be shopping on a Wednesday.  Who knew so many stupid people would be shopping on a Wednesday.  Toy R Us shopping carts are quite large so they take up most of the aisle.  No way are two cart going to fit in one aisle at the same time.  So, of course every aisle I wanted to go down was blocked by someone.  All of the sudden I see an open lane.  A straight shot to the front of the store.  I position myself for a speedy exit when all of the sudden an old lady comes out of a side aisle and cuts me off.  She then proceeds to leisurely walk and stop to browse while taking up the entire aisle.  I had Nicholas with me so I had to be nice, but I so wanted to ram her cart and push her out of the way.  I finally made my way past her when she made a right turn.  She was oblivious to the fact there was a line of 4 people behind her; or maybe she just didn't care.  If I am going to continue to try and shop in public then I guess I'm going to have to adopt that "I don't care" attitude.  I wanted to get out of the store as soon as possible so her and I wouldn't be on the road together.  If she drives her cart that way I'm sure her car is not much different.  I thought I was home free until I was exiting the parking lot.  Here comes this 20 something girl, talking on her cell phone, smoking a cigarette and driving on the wrong side of the lane attempting to cut me off so she could get a close parking spot so her fat ass didn't have to waste any steps.  I was poised to floor it and run her car back to where she came from, until I noticed she had a small child in the backseat.  Poor innocent child she is unaware that her Mother is an inconsiderate ass; or maybe she knows and secretly wishes I would have run her over.

I wouldn't really do most of the stuff I have mentioned, they are just fleeting thoughts to make me feel better. However; if I continue to shop from now until Christmas those fleeting thoughts are more likely to become an impulsive act.  So I'm staying home so I can stay out of jail.  I have no patience for rude people especially this time of year.

Christmas shopping.....bah humbug!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Change Is Good; But It's Also Annoying

Thanks Google, Microsoft and Face Book etc... for updating your hardware; but do you really have to change the format of the page every time????  I get used to where everything is on a page and then it gets updated to improved my Internet experience, and I have to learn it all over again.  Maybe that is a good thing because it keeps my brain cells activated.  It is still none the less annoying.

Monday, December 6, 2010

That Ship Has Sailed

It finally happened at 51 years old,  (1,617,255,554 seconds old).   I was not the one that everyone thought didn't look their age.  That torch has been passed on to my daughter.  Amanda and I were getting a mani/pedi.  The technician asked Amanda if she is a runner (she has strong calves).  Amanda said yes and proceeded to talk about her running and running while pregnant.  When the tech learned that Amanda  had a child she acted shocked and told Amanda: "You have a baby, I thought you were one of the high school students getting ready for semi-formal.  You look so young."  There is no disputing the fact that Amanda does look young.  It's just that used to be me!  I was the one people would say looked young.  I used to be able to use my physical attributes to get the advantage.  Not anymore.  As they say, "that ship has sailed".  Son of a...
Now I have to rely on my smarts and wits to get the advantage.  Oh shit, I'm in trouble.  Showing a little cleavage was so much easier than having to think.  Now if I do that I run the risk of being arrested for disgusting exposure (not to be confused with indecent exposure which is much more provocative).

I know what I need to do now.....quit hanging out with anyone younger than me.  If I start hanging out at the Senior Citizens center I would no doubt be one of the younger ones.  I could rise back up in the ranks.

Carry on Amanda use it to your advantage and enjoy it while it lasts.  As they say...If you got it, flaunt it before it fall to low that no amount of push up will help.  Maybe "they" don't say that, but "they" should.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Shopping Sucks

Today was case in point why I hate hate hate Christmas shopping.  Joe and I went to Sears because there were a few things specific to Sears we needed and we figured we could get some other presents since we'd be there.  So, we have over $500.00 worth of items we were going to purchase.  We found out if we waited until 6:00pm we could get an additional 10% off of everything.  A $50.00 savings appealed to me so we decided to get some coffee and look around the mall until it was time.  It was a little after 4:00pm so we had quite a bit of time to kill.

10 minutes till 6 we decided to head into the store and gather our purchases to receive our $50.00 discount.  As you can guess all didn't go well.  First we had a sales person that was seasonal and temporary so he didn't really know a table saw from a band saw.  Maybe there are a lot of people that don't know the difference, but if you work in the tool section you really should know.  Secondly, our purchases were not ringing up correctly on the register.  Discounts that were supposed to happen weren't, items advertised were not the same as what they had to offer.  Needless to say I was about ready to go postal.  I remained calm and just said "forget it, I will spend my money elsewhere!"  If I have learned anything about shopping in this current climate, it's you need to be educated about what you are buying ahead of time because the salespeople usually don't know shit (especially this time of year) about what they are selling.  If I hadn't know that the new Wii systems came with 2 games, I would have overpaid for the system they had to offer by $50.00 (it was an old version that came with only one game).

Sears, you suck!  All was not lost however, Joe and I had fun just walking around and spending time together.  Plus we ended up buying a new set of sheets that we are both pretty excited about (not at Sears) .....Satin sheets with leopard print (get your mind out of the gutter).  The Satin part was Joe's idea because he doesn't like getting caught up in cotton sheets.  The leopard print was my idea.  I figured if we were going to buy cheesy satin sheets then they needed to be even more cheesy and be an animal print.  I can't wait to try them out and see who slides out and falls on the floor first.