Hang Man

Monday, June 16, 2008

The Price of being GREEN


Don't get me wrong, I am all for being green and doing my part to help mother earth. I recycle my glass, plastic, aluminum and cardboard. I use reusable shopping bags. My new chicken coop is being made out of all recycled wood and I don't throw my batteries in the trash. I currently have 2 large oatmeal containers full of used batteries. We have a toxic waste recycle day once a year which I always seem to miss so all my toxic waste is being stored in my barn. I will miss it again this year since I plan on traveling to Carrie and Kyle's wedding. That's ok though I will keep it for another year and hope the barn doesn't blow up. Which brings me to my issue with a supposed green product. The compact fluorescent bulbs. THEY SUCK! First off, they are ugly. They say they last 5 years.....bull s--t! But the worst part is that they can't be thrown away. No, they are toxic because they contain mercury. Are you kidding me! Do they really think that Americans are going to dispose of all of those bulbs properly. If people don't recycle their cans do you really think they are going to go to the hassle of taking their bulbs to a toxic waste site. Make sure you listen to the You Tube video link. Thanks for sending me that Jan! Rep. Ted Poe from Texas does a very good job of addressing this issue. I don't know who this guy is, but I would vote for him for president tomorrow. One thing that I learned from the video is that all of these bulbs are made in China! Of course they are. They send us lead painted toys to kill off our kids and for people that don't have kids they get them with the light bulbs. Brilliant! When is America going to wake up and start using some common sense!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Poor Joe

I made Joe a fishing pole stand for the farm. It turned out pretty good. As I added the finishing touches it made me think....."poor Joe". If you look closely at the top of the stand there is a knob (actually vintage from my mom's old stuff). Underneath the knob is a wooden flower. Yes it is a flower. I needed something to cover up the hole from the dowel and secure it to the top of the stand. I happened to have the wooden embellishment on hand and it worked perfect. I started to think of the other things that I have done for "Joe" like.....painting the smiley face on the deck of his boat, customizing the scooter with flowers, buying a pink pistol, dressing his beloved dog in frilly dresses.......could I emasculate him any more! Poor Joe. He doesn't complain. He takes it all in stride. So here's to you Joe. Happy Father's Day! Your not my father but you are my "Daddy". I love you!