Hang Man

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Do Your Own Nails You Little Brats

I've been working hard moving Mom and all of her stuff,and getting her settled. I decided to treat myself to a manicure and pedicure. I have only had 4 manicures in my entire life. I was in my late 30's before I ever had the first one. I always thought I could do it just as well as they do, so why spend the money. However, those Vietnamese give a mean mani/pedi. So I'm sitting there relaxing and I glance to my left. Sitting in the massage chairs next to me were two little girls; probably 7 and 10 years old, getting a pedicure. Really???? What did they do to deserve a pedicure? They don't work hard all day long in high heels or garden all day and get their nails chipped and caked with dirt. Can you say "SPOILED!" It didn't appear to be a special ocassion like a birthday or anything and I overheard the older girl say that she has had pedicures before. When? since you were 3? Their Mom was pacing through the shop talking on her cell phone the entire time. What happened to Mom's and daughter's bonding while doing their nails. As I am finishing with my appointment a group of young teens all came in presumably for services. The next generation is going to be filled with pampered little brats thinking that the world owes them a living and that they don't have to work to get it. I realize that a few little girls getting a manicure doesn't represent an entire generation, but it's a little scary to me. Plus, it really pisses me off.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

ETSY shopping

New items listed on ETSY. Tell your friends! 20% discount if you mention you saw it on Whaddup Doe Blog.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Too Much Stuff

I saw George Carlin's routine on "Stuff" over twenty years ago. For some reason I always remembered it. I've thought about it lately since I have been packing up and moving Mom's stuff. I have to figure out what I am going to do with all of her stuff. I have so much stuff now it's ridiculous. All I can think of is how much work it's going to be for my kids when I die having to go through all of my stuff. If I just wasn't so attached to my stuff. I can go through every room in my house and tell you the history of my stuff. I actually kept a chestnut that my Mom had. She said if you wear it in your bra, it will take away your aches and pains. It's not that I believe that that is true, it's the fact that she believed it and kept it. I can't throw that away. Good thing I have a big house to keep all of my stuff.

Annual Party

Don't forget.....Labor Day Party September 6th.