Hang Man

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Not A Happy Fourth

Apparently sleep brings about amnesia in children because the kids woke up with no visible signs of animosity towards me. They are my buds once again! The morning however was filled with the query; "where's mama?" Julie's ER visit turned into an admission to the hospital. We are all a bit worried at the moment, but since I have not talked with Julie I don't feel comfortable going into great detail about what is going on. She is obviously getting great care. One of the perks of having a Doctor for a Father. So....if you pray, then say a prayer for her. Otherwise send her some positive energy.

Wild Weekend

I'm pretty sure I have traumatized the triplets for life. I won't know for sure until they wake up in the morning. If they run from me screaming in terror then I will know. Julie and the kids came this weekend for a visit, which up until around 4:30 yesterday was going really well. Julie started getting nerve pain in the side of her face; which she has had on one other occasion. Not sure of the cause, but the pain is excruciating! I've never felt so helpless. There was nothing anyone could do to help and medications weren't touching the pain. So while Joe took care of Julie, I entertained the triplets. We built a fire and I taught them how to break sticks with their feet. We had a great time. It got to be time for them to go to bed. I wanted to put them to sleep (WAIT...not like that) I mean put them to bed. So Joe and Amanda and I began to attempt to change diapers and get on pjs. Oh Hell no! That was not happening. Addy and Harrison were screaming and flailing around. Connor actually got the concept that mommy was debilitated so he cooperated with the effort. We finally got diapers on. No pj's though, I figured t shirts were fine. All the while poor Julie is in the living room in terrible pain listening to her children being tortured. It wasn't really torture, it just sounded like it.
It is now 3:00am and Joe and Julie are in the ER and I am here with the kids (who are sleeping...praise the Lord) writing my blog. I should be in bed because I just realized that come morning I will probably be the one to get up with them and I am going to need all the energy I can muster to fight off the retalitory attack. Wish me luck!
I'm figuring that in 10 years or so we will all look back on this and laugh; that is if they are talking to me by then.

Time To Celebrate

I got my baby back and she has a brand new keyboard! Other computers are just not the same as your very own. One might say that I have an unnatural attachment to my computer, but I don't care! I love my computer and I don't care who knows it!
when was picking up my computer, one of the guys from the "Geek Squad" explained to me what was actually done to my computer. He also mentioned that I had a couple viruses on it. I have antivirus software so I was skeptical. The big box stores are always trying to sell some sort of service and I figured that he would get around to his sales pitch about how for $100 they can fix that problem for me. He made some quick keystrokes and some Microsoft program came up that apparently removes malicious software. He took care of it just like that! I asked him how he did it? He was pretty evasive, but without looking at me he kind of whispered the commands to me. He says "I'm not supposed to do that." Wow, Thanks! He gave me another tid bit of info to help prevent viruses. Since I am such a kind and generous sole, I will share with you what I learned today.

Patti's TOTD #11: This is how the "Geek" explained it to me. A person can have antivirus and antispyware programs which will catch most problems, but some viruses are acquired through programs that you already allow on your computer. So then the antivirus software thinks that they are ok since it's in a valid program. For instance: Recently on facebook a virus was sent through an unsuspecting person saying that they had a video of you and it included a link. If you opened the link, you would get the virus and since you were signed into a program that was apparently safe, it wasn't detected by your antivirus software. Those bastards. So,to help fix that problem....go to the start menu and click on "run". Type in: mrt and click enter. A Microsoft program will come up that will scan for malicious software and remove it. Pretty Cool!
Next, if you ever get pop ups that say "free antivirus scan", don't "X" out of the screen. The "X" actually activates the cooties. Hold down the alt key and press f4. That will close the window without activating the cooties. Actually I think you can use that for any pop up.

If I would have worn my push up bra, I might have got even better information from the guy. He so wanted me!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

I'm Googleable

If you Google "whaddupdoe", my blog is the 2nd entry. Woo hoo! I don't really know what that means, but it's cool. The first entry is a video for a song called "Whaddup doe" or maybe it's "What's Up Doe", pronounced whaddup doe. Anyway, it's a rap song by a guy named Tone Tone. According to the video, whaddup doe is a Detroit greeting. So....Whaddup Doooooe...Detroit!! I'm sure someone looking for Tone Tone's video has happened onto my blog by mistake. They probably thought; what the hell is this? I'm definitely no rapper. My name of whaddup doe is also a greeting. But not to a girl, I really mean a doe. As in doe a deer a female deer. It was Bryan's idea and I kind of stole it. I actually bought the whaddupdoe.com name. There is no website there yet, but we have big plans, really big plans for that later. It will be more of a hunting and outdoor format. Maybe we can get Tone Tone to rap about one of the guys hunting adventures.

I've googled my name. Under one of my massage therapy associations, it is listed that I specialized in Soma Veda Thai Yoga. I don't even know what that is! Another example of why not to believe everything you see on the Internet. You can believe me though. I wouldn't lie to you.

Happy Birthday Kim

I didn't forget your birthday, I still don't have a computer. I hope you had a wonderful birthday. I miss you bunches!

Sunday, June 28, 2009