Hang Man

Friday, August 21, 2009

Happy Anniversary

Happy Anniversary Bryan and Sarah. I know that Bryan worked late tonight and Sarah had to go to work before he got home. I'm not sure they saw much of each other today. But I know they celebrated earlier in the week. Something about Sarah getting Black and Bleu. Ohhhhh, she was talking about steak. Well anyway, Happy Anniversary. I love you both!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Biology 101

Julian and Nicholas caught some tiny toads in my yard today. They put them in containers with grass and sticks. I'm gonna call Nicholas; "Lenny", you know, Of Mice And Men fame. He dropped his toad one too many times and gave it some tight squeezes. "Nanu my frog won't move, is he sleeping?" "Oh dear, why don't you let him go in the flower bed and maybe he'll wake up."

I recieved a science lesson from Julian. He asked me if his toad was a boy or a girl. I told him I had no idea how you tell. He turns the toad upside down and pulled it's little legs apart. (This toad was no bigger than a quarter.) He says: "I know how you tell. If it has a black penis then it's a boy and if it has a pink penis it's a girl." "Really? I never knew that." For all I know he could be right.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Happy Birthday

No, I didn't forget to wish my own daughter a Happy Birthday yesterday. She had me busy all day shopping with her and then I went to the farm with Joe. No time to blog. The farm is kind of primative. No Internet. Anyway, Happy Birthday Amanda! You have become the most amazing woman. I am in awe of you everyday. (God, I did such a good job raising you, or maybe you just did a good job of overcoming how your were raised :). Either way, I Love You!