Hang Man

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Biology 101

Julian and Nicholas caught some tiny toads in my yard today. They put them in containers with grass and sticks. I'm gonna call Nicholas; "Lenny", you know, Of Mice And Men fame. He dropped his toad one too many times and gave it some tight squeezes. "Nanu my frog won't move, is he sleeping?" "Oh dear, why don't you let him go in the flower bed and maybe he'll wake up."

I recieved a science lesson from Julian. He asked me if his toad was a boy or a girl. I told him I had no idea how you tell. He turns the toad upside down and pulled it's little legs apart. (This toad was no bigger than a quarter.) He says: "I know how you tell. If it has a black penis then it's a boy and if it has a pink penis it's a girl." "Really? I never knew that." For all I know he could be right.


Lauren said...

I thought you had to violate them with a fingr to be able to tell. Oh, wait. That's aligators. Maybe frogs. I don't suggest you try it.

Yourmamasbooty said...

Goose just loves his animals to death

Manders24 said...

Hilarious! Nickle is learning some tricks from Jax on how to handle small animals.haha Actually I looked up frogs and it said that they will sometimes go into a coma-like state while sleeping.
So..did Julian see a black or pink penis???

Patti said...

I hope the frog was just in a coma, but I don't think so. Apparently sexing of frog/toads is determined by color. (No not the color of their penis). Also the females are bigger. Why do the girls always have to be bigger. It's not fair.

bestmama said...

and for some reason male animals are always prettier, you know like brids, and ducks...WTF?