Hang Man

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Are You Gay?

I haven't received any death threats regarding yesterday's blog, but there's still time. I have one more rant for today and then maybe I'll be done for awhile.....or will I?? I'm channeling Chelsea Handler. She can say whatever she wants and get away with it, why can't I. (Chelsea Lately, nightly on E, 11:00.)
So....I was watching 20/20 last night and they had an interview with Adam Lambert (American Idol runner up). I had seen him on the idol show a few times and HE CAN SING, but I had never seen him in an interview before. What I have seen and heard however is the burning question on everyones mind: "Is he gay?" What is the fascination with wanting to know someones sexuality???? I really don't get it. First of all, look at him. Of course he's gay. I know that may be stereotyping but stereotyping is a first impression plain and simple. Everyone does it (don't lie) and if you want to get beyond it, you have to get to know the person. Frankly I don't care if he's gay or straight he's extremely talented. I don't sit there listening to him sing and wonder if he boinks guys. In his interview he came off as a very likable and honest person. The interviewer asks him: "Are you gay?" He very easily says: "yes." I would have been embarrassed if I was that interviewer. It made him sound like such a voyeur. It's like asking a straight person: "So, which position do you prefer?" Let's clear up a few things. Gays are not going to try to recruit you, it's not contagious, they aren't going to attack your children or bring down the value of your house. So, GET OVER IT! Everyone, and I mean everyone has something about them whether known or unknown that could be considered controversial or against the norm. "What's in your closet????"

Patti's TOTD #5: Accept people for who they are and what they contribute and don't worry about who they sleep with. Unless of course it's a child molester. Then they need their balls cut off and made into a necklace. I'm not sure how that would be done but I'm sure I could figure it out.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Learn The Language

I received some Dunkin Donuts coupons the other day. One of my favorite places for coffee. I was looking through them and I realized that I couldn't read them. What the????? It was Spanish. The other side was printed in English. Seriously, this is getting out of hand. How much more money did DD have to pay to have their coupons printed that way? And, who is going to help pay for that?? The consumer of course. It's called "enabling" people!! If we keep making it easy, what is the incentive for a Spanish speaking individual to learn the language???? I get that the language needs to be printed on necessary items and emergency type items. I don't want anyone to get hurt while they are trying to learn the language. But really, are donuts necessary? Could they survive without them? Who doesn't recognize a big fat greasy donut? They can point right? So we don't need bilingual donut coupons. Get a grip people and start showing some tough love.

Patti's TOTD #4: Learn English if you live in America!

Thursday, June 11, 2009


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Patti's TOTD #3: Reuse and Recycle.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Happy Anniversary

Happy Anniversary Brad and Amanda. 2 years (right?). Probably seems like 20 huh? Just kidding! Have a wonderful day.

Amanda has pointed out that it's 3 years. Oops! I should have just went out and looked at the tree were I carved in the date.

Patti's TOTD #2: Amanda already commented on my next tip. Use Simple Green to wash the bugs off of the car. Spray it on and let it sit for a few minutes. If the bugs are particularily bad, cover the area with a wet towel to help keep it moist while it disolves the bug scum.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Tip Of The Day

I'm going to add a new item to my blogs; Patti's Tip Of The Day. I figure I've learned a few things over the years and I would like to share them. Some of the things I've learned the hard way, and I have the scars to prove it. Everything that I list will be something that I have personally tried. However, if you try them and somehow you screw it up, don't blame me. (That's my disclaimer).

Patti's TOTD #1: Do you ever clean your windows or mirrors only to find that there are still spots that won't come off like hairspray or dead bugs(hopefully the dead bugs aren't on your mirrors). Use a little Simple Green cleaner to remove the spots. Rinse with water, and then follow up with regular glass cleaner or vinegar. The gooey spots will come right off.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Kate Pisses Me Off

Everyone seems to be talking about John and Kate Plus 8. In case you live under a rock, John and Kate have a reality show about them and their 8 kids (twins and sextuplets)on TLC. I really don't care about all of their recent drama. It is what it is. My problem is with Kate. How did that bitch end up with no stretch marks after giving birth to 6 babies?????? She should have stretch marks up to her neck. I saw a picture of her when she was pregnant. Her belly was ENORMOUS! I know she had a tummy tuck, but she still should have some. That really really really pisses me off!