Hang Man

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Are You Gay?

I haven't received any death threats regarding yesterday's blog, but there's still time. I have one more rant for today and then maybe I'll be done for awhile.....or will I?? I'm channeling Chelsea Handler. She can say whatever she wants and get away with it, why can't I. (Chelsea Lately, nightly on E, 11:00.)
So....I was watching 20/20 last night and they had an interview with Adam Lambert (American Idol runner up). I had seen him on the idol show a few times and HE CAN SING, but I had never seen him in an interview before. What I have seen and heard however is the burning question on everyones mind: "Is he gay?" What is the fascination with wanting to know someones sexuality???? I really don't get it. First of all, look at him. Of course he's gay. I know that may be stereotyping but stereotyping is a first impression plain and simple. Everyone does it (don't lie) and if you want to get beyond it, you have to get to know the person. Frankly I don't care if he's gay or straight he's extremely talented. I don't sit there listening to him sing and wonder if he boinks guys. In his interview he came off as a very likable and honest person. The interviewer asks him: "Are you gay?" He very easily says: "yes." I would have been embarrassed if I was that interviewer. It made him sound like such a voyeur. It's like asking a straight person: "So, which position do you prefer?" Let's clear up a few things. Gays are not going to try to recruit you, it's not contagious, they aren't going to attack your children or bring down the value of your house. So, GET OVER IT! Everyone, and I mean everyone has something about them whether known or unknown that could be considered controversial or against the norm. "What's in your closet????"

Patti's TOTD #5: Accept people for who they are and what they contribute and don't worry about who they sleep with. Unless of course it's a child molester. Then they need their balls cut off and made into a necklace. I'm not sure how that would be done but I'm sure I could figure it out.


Anonymous said...

EXACTLY!!! If we want to know more about the person, lets ask some relevant questions that really gives us insight. It is like sooo obvious he is gay, so why waste a question in the interview for such an obvious question/answer.

Anonymous said...

Gay or straight, I don't care what two people do to one another as long as it does not involve children or animals and both people are consenting. Well said Patti!
Addy was asking for you today. Harrison was telling me that Nanu rides motorcycles and Papa rides 4 Wheelers. He said papa no ride nanu's motorcycle. He can't do it. :)

Patti said...

Hilarious! Give them all a kiss from Nanu.