Hang Man

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Happy Birthday Bryan

This is the poem I wrote for Bryan for his 30th Birthday.

Your 30 today which could cause you to whine
But look at your mother she's 50 and quite fine

I know this day is not about me
But if I never had dirty sex you wouldn't be

You shush me all the time and think you are right
But I know that your bark is worse than your bite

You're a pain in my ass and sometimes I want to make you black and blue
But you are the best sone ever that much is sure true

I love you to pieces and am so proud of you
You're a great Dad and husband and so much fun too

I would like to take credit for all that you are
And I do take a little for getting you this far

But now that you're 30 you are all on your own
I wish you the best but just so you know I disconnected my phone

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Task #1 Almost Complete

Almost 2 weeks since I've been here!  I have been busy fulfilling my New Year's tasks.  The first two rooms are well underway.  I've painted my library and I just need to clean up and get ready for new carpet on Friday.  Then, I have to move everything back in out of the dining room and then paint it and I will be done with my January task.  I do, however; have over 100 books that I need to get rid of. I'm Not sure where they will be going.  Back to work.....

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year

I'm sooo excited I've had my first hot flash of the New Year.  WooooHoooo!