Hang Man

Friday, September 25, 2009

Crochet War Continued

It's soooo on. I got another email from the crochet Nazi. She's reporting me to Etsy! This really pisses me off!!!! After I recieved her original email, I responded by stating facts and copyright law. She sends a response: "We'll let Etsy
decide." She's reporting me to the principal. Being who I am, I can't wait that long (now I know where my children get their impatience from). So, I go to the Etsy FAQ section of rules and regulations. Right there in black and white it states that clothing is not protected by copyright because of it's "useful" aspect. I emailed her back and told her I had no problem with Etsy deciding and that I really didn't understand why she would publish a pattern if she didn't expect people to make it. Then of course I added the section of the Etsy rules. I can't wait to see what happens.

This is a prime example where some people (I'm not mentioning names) would point out that I am being argumentative and I should just drop it. Or I think I'm always right. So people I will break this down for you. (A.) I did not start this. (B.) I could just give in and say ok to her demands, but she is wrong. (C.) I know she is wrong because of the law. So now it becomes a "principle" thing. (D.) If I was wrong based on the law, I would not persue this and I would have taken the ad down right away. So see.....I don't always think I'm right, I only think I'm right when I know I'm right. When I know I'm right, I fight like a bull to prove it. It's inherited. My Dad had it, Steve has it and me too.

My Dad had integrity, which is what I strive for. Fighting for principles because they are true and honest. Not fighting just because you like to argue. He was always fair with people, but he didn't take their shit. There would be no greater compliment than for someone to tell me I'm just like my Dad.

You know what's really gonna suck though? It's if Etsy comes back and makes me take down my ad. I will have to point out their own rules to them, but if that doesn't work, then I'll just have to remove the ad..........and my entire store....because it's the principle of the thing.

Crochet Wars

Why do people have to start trouble???? I'm not even safe on my ETSY website. In case you don't know what ETSY is, it's a web site were you have your own "store" and sell handmade items. I have a bunch of crochet items I am trying to sell. I get a lot of comments by people that visit the site about how beautiful they are, but as of yet I haven't sold anything. That's ok though. I love to crochet and if I have to I'll start donating everything. So, today I get am email from someone that states: "Please remove your item for sale, it is my design from crochet magazine 2008. Thanks." ARE YOU KIDDING ME?????? The item in question is a pink scarf with the breast cancer symbol crocheted into it. First of all, I'm not selling her pattern which would be copyrighted. I'm selling a product that I made. That would be like McCall's (pattern seller) saying ok, buy our patterns, but you can't sell anything you make from them. Apparently they do say that, but it's not in the copyright law so therefore not enforceable.

For god sakes she had the pattern published in a magazine. A magazine that people buy to make things from. It's not like I'm mass marketing them. I have ONE for sale. If me selling it was illegal I would definitely take it out of my store, but since it's not I'm keeping it there and I might even make more.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Welcome To The 21st Century

We're finally moving up in the world to the current TV technology. Our old RCA box TV finally died and we purchased a 46" flat screen with surround sound and some other shit that I don't know what it is. I'm excited and scared at the same time. Excited because Joe doesn't have to use the binoculars to see the TV anymore, but scared because it's something else I have to learn how to use. I'm still trying to figure out my camcorder and telephone. Plus I'll have to teach Joe because he is a typical guy and won't read the instructions.

A giant man and his short chubby partner from Best Buy delivered my TV today. Kind of like Laurel and Hardy. The giant man was probably 6' 10" or more. Nice guys, set up the tv and did a little programming for me and left. The actual install is going to be next Tuesday. Then they will mount the TV on the wall and hook up all of the additional components. Problem #1: I forgot to call Dish Network to have our system upgraded to HDTV, so the picture currently isn't that good. Problem #2: I only get one channel. I know it's something to do with the program.........Wait! while I was typing this I just figured out what I need to do. Be right back.................................................................................
Problem #2 solved. I forgot that I need to use the remote for the Dish box. Duh!

Ok, so now I get all the channels but I still need the HDTV Dish hookup. I called Dish and they can hook it up on Saturday. Perfect, because then I will have all of the equipment there when Best Buy comes to install it. Now I have a new problem #2: I called Dish and told them I wanted HDTV hookup. All I heard after that was blah blah blah, blah blah, blah.... I was so confused I'm not sure what I agreed to. Good news though; since I am such a good customer she is taking $10 off of my bill for a whole year. WooHoo!

I long for the simplier times when a TV just had an on/off button. Sometimes I wish I was Amish. Then, I would be a really good carpenter and I wouldn't have to worry about electricity and all of the stuff that goes along with it.

PS Kenny, I took your advice and bought the TV you suggested. Can you please come back and teach me how to use it?

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Coming Of Age

I'm kinda liking this 50 thing. I was really stressing about turning 50 for a few months before it happened. I don't know what I thought would happen, but I somehow convinced myself that this was the beginning of the end. The day came and went and nothing bad happened. I thought ok, maybe it's because my family is here and I'm having too much fun and once they leave "it" will happen. They left, and nothing bad happened. Actually I've been on a high ever since they were all here (and still am). It's been 2 weeks now and I'm probably happier than I've ever been. It's like somebody flipped a switch and I began to relax. Things that used to bother me don't anymore. I've been on a movement to a more kinder and gentler Patti for awhile, but it seems like it's finally happening. Bryan would disagree. He can still push my buttons and get me to react.

50 really is fabulous (or maybe it's just my medication). Either way, life is good!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday Henry! Are you 4 already? Correction, only 3. I hope you have a wonderful birthday with your Mom and Dad. I miss you all! Love and Kisses from Indiana

Monday, September 21, 2009

Have You Had A Laugh Today?

Having the ability to laugh at yourself is one of the best traits one can possess. At least in my opinion. And we all know that everyone is entitled to my opinion....I mean their own opinion. I've called myself a "dumb ass" maybe even more than other people do. I don't take myself too seriously. If I did, I would be embarassed all the time. That is why Joe and I get along so well. We laugh all the time. At ourselves and each other. I told Joe yesterday that if he didn't do dumb things I would have no entertainment.

Today Joe took the car in for routine service and to have a small chip repaired in the windshield. He was talking to the mechanic about the chip. The mechanic says "yeah, we can fix that." Upon closer investigation the mechanic says "I don't think that's a chip." Joe says "I tried to see if it rubbed off like it was maybe dirt, but it didn't." The mechanic goes to the inside of the windshield and wipes off a dead mosquito. "There, all fixed." Joe actually made a special call to me just to tell me about his "incident" because he knew I would crack up. The best part was when Joe tells me: "I hope he doesn't find out that I'm a doctor."

Laugh at yourself today, it's good therapy. Go ahead and laugh at someone else too; just make sure you're out of the way when they try to punch you.