Hang Man

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Weighing In On Tiger

Where were you when you found out about Tiger Woods infidelity? Yes it's shocking and sad for his family, but does it really warrant the attention that it has been getting? I don't think so. He's not the first cheater and he won't be the last. I certainly don't condone what he did, but that is not for me or anyone else to judge. He's a golfer. He plays golf and gets paid a lot of money for playing the game. He doesn't have sex on the golf course (during play anyway) so why is his sex life so interesting. The media needs to stop making this bigger than it should be. When a respected news program spends a large amount of time reporting and discussing this issue they are no better than E News which reports the trashy news. And....yes, I do watch E News specifically for the trashy stuff but when I watch the regular national news, I want news that matters. The less than stellar bimbos that he was sleeping with are getting more media exposure than they deserve and are more than likely profiting from it. What really bugs me is the story I saw last night about his new Vanity Fair magazine cover. Vanity Fair presents this cover like it is a current thing. Making Tiger seem even more perverse by posing shirtless. What is mentioned as an afterthought is the fact that the photo was taken over 4 years ago.

Again, I don't agree with what he did, but isn't he the one that has to deal with the consequences. Every news report does nothing but further humiliate his wife and family.


Sunday, January 3, 2010


We arrived safely in Florida; at least I think it's Florida. It's 50 degrees and apparently isn't going to get much warmer for the next 4 or 5 days. First thing we did when we got here was turn on the heat. No sunbathing today!

There was no excitement on the last leg of our trip (thank God!) The carpool lane debacle was enough excitement for the rest of my life. I was surfing for photos of "HOV"(high occupancy vehicles) lanes or carpool lanes as they are more commonly called. I wanted to see if I could find anything that looked like what we almost drove off. I didn't find any pictures, but what I did find was an article from 2007 about the Atlanta motor coach accident that killed member of a baseball team from Ohio. Reading the article was not only sad, but it freaked me out a little bit. The bus was in Atlanta, which is where we were and the accident happened because of insufficient markings on the HOV exit; which is what happened to us. Supposedly after the 2007 accident signage was supposed to change to be more accurate and easier to follow. Well....I don't think they did a very good job. Like I said in yesterdays blog there was nothing to indicate that the road split or there was an embankment ahead. There have been quite a few accidents with regards to the HOV lanes, and most have been from people not living in the area. I didn't even know what HOV stood for. I had to have Sarah look it up for me.

I'm just really thankful that our experience with the HOV lane had a happy ending. I'm mad at Atlanta!

Stay Out Of The Carpool Lane

We are 2/3 of the way to Florida. Tonight we are staying in Valdosta Georgia. The trip so far has been uneventful unless you count our near death experience; oh yeah and the fact that I went the wrong way on the highway. No, I wasn't on the wrong side of the road I was heading North instead of South. Joe was driving during our near death experience.

I was messing with the GPS and not paying attention to where Joe was going. We were in the middle of Atlanta. He says: "I'm not sure I'm going the right way." "Why not?" "Because the traffic is over there and we are over here." "Ohhhhhh." Turns out we were in the carpool lane. No problem, we'll just merge over when the road comes back together. Yes, there was a problem....before the road came back together it split. One second we are in a normal lane, then without warning we're going up an incline with a drop off on the other side. You know how normally when a road splits there are yellow lines on the road or some other kind of warning. There was nothing. We went up the incline slanting toward the drivers side. I thought for sure we were going to tip over. Joe drove like Dale Ernhart Jr. maneuvering us to safety. I was surprised that neither of us screamed like little girls. It was so quick we didn't have time. I would rate that experience in the top 3 of scary driving moments. I told Joe that it was very exciting, but I would prefer if he didn't do that again.`

We are safe and sound for the rest of the evening. Our drive tomorrow will be daylight hours so that will be better. The worst thing that can happen tonight is if I have to get up in the middle of the night and I forget that I am in my cootie proof sleep sack I might hurt myself trying to get out of bed.