Hang Man

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Weighing In On Tiger

Where were you when you found out about Tiger Woods infidelity? Yes it's shocking and sad for his family, but does it really warrant the attention that it has been getting? I don't think so. He's not the first cheater and he won't be the last. I certainly don't condone what he did, but that is not for me or anyone else to judge. He's a golfer. He plays golf and gets paid a lot of money for playing the game. He doesn't have sex on the golf course (during play anyway) so why is his sex life so interesting. The media needs to stop making this bigger than it should be. When a respected news program spends a large amount of time reporting and discussing this issue they are no better than E News which reports the trashy news. And....yes, I do watch E News specifically for the trashy stuff but when I watch the regular national news, I want news that matters. The less than stellar bimbos that he was sleeping with are getting more media exposure than they deserve and are more than likely profiting from it. What really bugs me is the story I saw last night about his new Vanity Fair magazine cover. Vanity Fair presents this cover like it is a current thing. Making Tiger seem even more perverse by posing shirtless. What is mentioned as an afterthought is the fact that the photo was taken over 4 years ago.

Again, I don't agree with what he did, but isn't he the one that has to deal with the consequences. Every news report does nothing but further humiliate his wife and family.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have checked out your Adult Holiday greeting card,Question is that Tiger's brother Deer woods? Have fun in the great cold South!