Hang Man

Monday, December 28, 2009

Let's Stop The Pussy Foot Train

After leaving my favorite coffee shop (Dunkin Donuts) and driving past the employee entrance of the local IHop, I had an epiphany. I know how we can fix the health care problem.

You see, at the employee entrance of the IHop there were 7 people standing outside in the 20 degree temperature smoking cigarettes. How can one not see the sheer stupidity of that scenario???? Human survival instinct tells us to avoid situations that would put us in harms way. Standing in below freezing temperatures with inappropriate clothing and ingesting a substance that further restricts blood flow goes against natural survival instincts and brings to mind the Darwinian theory of natural selection (survival of the fittest).

So, how does this relate to the health care issue? You ask. If you smoke, you are penalized with higher insurance premiums than those that don't smoke. You would also pay higher deductibles for procedures you need that are related to smoking. You wouldn't be allowed to be on Medicaid or Medicare if you smoked either. If you're asking for a government handout, then you should not be able to spend your money on $4 a pack cigarettes.

Nothing pisses me off more than to see a woman with 4 kids, cigarettes in her purse, talking on a cell phone about what club she's going to tonight, and paying for her groceries with food stamps. Come on lady why don't you just slap me in the face and laugh at me, because that's what it feels like your doing.

Can America get off the pussy foot train and start getting tough on freeloaders. While we're at it, lets limit the number of babies a woman on welfare can have. That's right, I said it and I mean it. They're asking for a handout, then there should be conditions with that handout.

I am so sick of hearing about being politically correct. Some people just need to have their asses handed to them.

The other thing that really got me going tonight was what I heard on the news about the second Nigerian that caused a "disturbance" on a plane. They reported that he was on the terrorist watch list, but not on the no fly list. HOW FUCKING STUPID CAN WE BE!!!!!! This guys own father turned him in. But we can't do anything to him because there is no evidence he's a terrorists. We're just going to let him do whatever he wants and then we'll pick up the pieces after he blows something up. Fry the bastard now or send him back to Nigeria.

I'm sure that things would be a lot better if America just focused on America and let everyone else fend for themselves.

I feel better that I got that off of my chest, but really I mostly feel sad that this is where we are as a culture. I think we need a do over.


bestmama said...

I do agree with you on everything you said, but do you know that if you DO smoke than your insurance premiums ARE higher....and $4 a pack???...try alomst $6! Nothing bothers me more than the girls at school that get EVERYTHING handed to them but are walking around with there nails done, hair done, all tanned, and a COACH purse. I think there is alot that needs to be done!!! Maybe next time we should vote in a republican....just saying:) LMAO!(Back me up Steve)

Steve said...

You don't have to worry about that Sarah. American were tired of being thought of as idiots. We showed them, we went to the poles in NOV and elected a new President.

Steve said...

A little correction Patti. The first Nigerian was the one ratted out by his father. The second Nigerian was sick and barricaded himself in the bathroom on the same numbered flight the next day. Evidently he was too busy sending out e-mails so we can collect millions from the First National Bank of Nigeria to read the news reports of the previous day. Note to Nigerians, Muslims, third world country residents. Since you have an large number of your "people" that have a penchant for blowing things up, including themselves. Do not draw attention to yourself by taking off your shoes, underwear, locking yourself in the bathroom if you don't want to be racially profiled. Perhaps the passengers of the flight should have let the young man exit the plane first. 100 feet or a 1000 either one would work. Same results and the problem would be solved at least for that one. What really gets me going is that our media keeps calling this an alleged terrorist act. Ask anyone who was on that flight if it was alleged. Peace loving muslims my ass. There out to kill you. Wake up people.

Patti said...

$6??? I had no idea.

I did get my terrorist confused. They all look alike...ooooooh!

I really don't want to get political here, but we have had these problems for a long time with republicans and democrats. They are all a bunch of assholes as far as I'm concerned. If we could fix the government it would fix everything. Let Bill Gates or some of the other top money makers run the government. It would be much more efficient.

Steve said...

One way to fix government is term limits. Don't make it a career. The pther biggie would be to have a bill stand on its own merits. Not all of these hidden clauses that give a certain congressman or senator some pork for his district or state. Only when we limit thier percieved power will we regain power to the people

Steve said...

One way to fix government is term limits. Don't make it a career. The other biggie would be to have a bill stand on its own merits. Not all of these hidden clauses that give a certain congressman or senator some pork for his district or state. Only when we limit their percieved power will we regain power to the people. I re-posted this because some probably wouldn't be able to figure out what a pther biggie is. Just wanted to clarify.

Patti said...

I was going to ask about the pther biggie so I'm glad you clarified. That is true about the limits. They get too sluggish and lazy when they know they aren't going anyware. Make them earn their keep.

Maybe you and I can run for office. You can be the Pres. and I'll be the Vice Pres. I better do the typing though, we don't want to start a puclear war.