Hang Man

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Exactly what is good for you?

It's been almost 2 weeks since I have been trying to eliminate flour and sugar from my diet and I have lost 2 lbs. It seems that the longer I go without breads and sweets and such, the less I crave them. I did however partake in a piece of Nicholas's birthday cake. (Sarah made me, she secretly wants me to be fat). Anyway, I have been noticing commercials and ads more lately regarding weight loss and beauty and diet aids and I am amazed at what is being offered. Are we as a culture so lazy and gullible that we are buying these products and making some moron rich. As far as I'm concerned the only thing that will make you lose weight is discipline and hard work. The other thing that bugs me is the health claims that companies make to entice you to buy their products. For instance Green Tea. Green tea is in everything from beverages to nail polish. I saw an ad for a stretch mark cream "now with green tea". Are you kidding me! First of all there is no effective stretch mark cream. You will either get them or you won't, don't waste your money and the green tea isn't going to do shit. To even get the benefits of the antioxident in green tea you have to drink at least 12 cups a day. So drink it if you like it, but it's not the cure all. Since I'm on a roll...how about all the products that claim to detoxify your body. The best thing to detox your body is a good pee and poop, along with a good diet and physical activity. All the waste and "toxins" come out of our body the good old fashioned way as God intended. Not through the soles of our feet by putting some magic pad on them. My all time favorite though is ear candling. In case you've never heard of it, it's a long tube of a cloth like nature with beeswax to make it stiff where one end is inserted into your ear canal and the other end is lit on fire. The premise is that it will remove ear wax and clear up all kind of ear ailments. I read one web site where it claimed that ear candling will change your DNA. Just for the record, nothing will change your DNA. I was exposed to this technique when I was in Massage Therapy School. There are people who swear by it. It is the biggest hoax there is. So if you want to buy some ear candles and do it for fun, go ahead (just try not to set yourself on fire) but if you go to a spa and pay $70 or more to have it done you might as well roll up the $70 and set it on fire. Save your hard earned money for your children's education so that they can go on to college and invent some quick fix health treatment and make themselves rich off of the gullible american public.

Sunday, April 27, 2008


I bet you didn't think that this picture would come back to haunt you now did you? Sorry I couldn't help myself. I hope you have a Happy Birthday!