Hang Man

Saturday, September 12, 2009

My Family Needs To Slow Down

On the 11th I posted a blog regarding speeding tickets. Well....today Bryan calls me and says he just got stopped for speeding. Nicholas was in the car. Apparently the cop started to walk back to his car when Nicholas asked the cop: "Are you a nice guy?" The cop stated that he was. Bryan got off with a warning. See, you just need a kid in the car with you at all times.

Everybody just slow down!

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday Amber! What does one do in Germany on their Birthday? You and your brothers are the most well traveled kids I know. I hope you have a wonderful day. Love and kisses from Indiana.

The Name Game

I was going through more of Mom's things. This time it was letters and cards. I swear Mom must have kept every card and letter she ever received. I found some interesting items that I will share with you over some future blogs.

As I went through old letters and newspaper clipping what struck me was the names of some of our relatives. Over the weekend we had had some conversations about baby names. So for future reference here are some family names for your consideration.

*Emma, short for Emmaline
*Noel (not Noel as in Christmas. Pronounced Nole) I think they called him Noey. I'm pretty sure that Noel was a guy.

Fenner was the son of Emmaline Buck McKee and Henry P McKee.

Kind of unique names. I'm naming my next kid Fenner Reece Ottinger.

Friday, September 11, 2009

How To Get Out Of A Speeding Ticket

I forgot two important incidences that occured last weekend. Kyle got pulled over on his way here and received 2 tickets from Indiana's finest. One for speeding and one for an expired license. The latter is bogus since he has a military ID. Apparently the Indiana cop didn't know the law. I am assuming that that ticket will get thrown out. Then.....on the way home, Julie got pulled over for speeding. Children screaming and crying can tend to make one's foot a little heavy on the gas pedal. However, it can be a blessing in disguise. Apparently the cop was as frustrated as Julie trying to talk over the kids screaming that he just let her go. Perfect! Next time I'm with Joe in the car and we get pulled over I'm just going to start crying and see if it works. Next time Kyle you'll know what to do.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday Lauren! I can't believe I remembered. I hope you have a wonderful day with Kenny and L. I love you bunches!

Happy Anniversary

Happy Anniversary Kyle and Carrie! Carrie you left you bouquet here, but don't worry I am enjoying them for you.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Labor Day Weekend Recap

I'm a little behind in posts, but I've been busy! After 16 hours sleep starting last Monday evening, and a good 8 hours the last 2 nights I think I'm good to go. What a great weekend! The only downfall was the uninvited guests. Not only were they annoying, they bit. Stupid mosquitoes. The weekend went by way too fast. There wasn't enough time to really visit with everyone. It still amazes me how our family is all spread out across the US but when we get together it's like we see each other all of the time. Joe said it's probably good that we don't live closer because with all of the antics that the boys pull someone would be getting hurt on a regular basis. Just for clarification when I say "boys", I don't mean the little ones. I mean the adult nephews.

Here is my abbreviated account of the weekends events.

Converged on Friday, got lost driving to the airport (Duh), laughed and hugged, ate beans, drank, raced go carts, ate more beans, viewed the ultrasound of Lauren and Kenny's precious baby, visited grandma, had a bonfire, got eaten alive by mosquitoes, drank some more, laughed our asses off, farted from the beans, ooh'd and ah'd over kids and babies, laughed and farted some more, watched an amazing video my children prepared for my birthday, cried and laughed, Shane farted, went to the farm, raced kayaks, drank, played games,jumped on the moon walk, Bryan beat me up with the boxing gloves on the moon walk (ouch), rode the 4 wheelers, shot guns, fished, ate lots of good food (especially the cheesecake that I ate with my fingers because I didn't want the fork to distract me from the yumminess), drove home in the rain, was sad there was no bon fire, drank, played cranium, Shane and Kyle cheated, Lauren gritted her teeth, watched kayak race videos on my computer because my TV broke (yah!), Shane, Kenny and Karl tried to blow up their lungs with an air pump, had to open windows to fumigate the house from the methane gas, got up early to take back moonwalk, got pissed because the a-holes weren't there, Dunkin Donuts closed for the day, took lots of pictures, hung out, everyone got ready to leave, There may have been more farting but I'm not sure (we were too sad to fart), tears and hugs, last group to the airport at 5:30, Delanie wanted to stay with me, went home, sooooooo sad that it was all over, went to bed, slept 16 hours.

I'm sure I missed something because it was definitely a busy fun filled weekend.

I have to tell everyone how touched I am that you took the time and effort to travel here and be here for my birthday and all of the festivities. This has been the best birthday of my entire life! I missed everyone that couldn't be here. Because we all live so far apart we could easily be out of touch and I don't want that to happen. I credit Lauren with helping us all stay a part of each others lives (and face book). She's relentless with her emails (I mean that in a good way). I want to thank my local family for all the help preparing for this weekend and Brian ,Lorrie and Julie for being so accommodating with all the craziness. Bryan and Amanda, the video you made for me is the most precious gift I have ever received. You're the best!

I love you all and will cherish these memories for the rest of my life.

PS: I'm still trying to figure out my new camcorder. I will have a funny video asap.