My desk doesn't look like that, but I'm pretty sure the inside of my head does. I have lots of things pinging around in my brain; it's hard to remember it all. I know what some people would say. "You can't remember because you are getting old!" To those people I like to say: "kiss my ass!". I prefer to call it information overload. It's just like when a computer gets bogged down with information and starts to run slower. It can't think as fast, so you have to do a disk clean and reboot. I haven't quite figured out how to clean my brain and reboot, but if I do you will be the first to know.
The other day I was using the spare key to my truck that has the door unlocking thing that doesn't work. I forgot that it was broken and I tried to unlock my door. For a split second I freaked because I wasn't sure how I was going to get into my car. Oh yeah, use the key. Who would have thought using a key in a lock would be old fashioned. Everything is soooo technical and has it's own set of instructions to memorize. I'm pretty sure that every gadget I own does a lot more than what I use it for, but I don't have the time or memory storage to figure it out. Plus, the older a person is the more they have to unlearn as well. Take for instance driving your car. Older cars required pumping the gas pedal to get it to start. If you did that to cars of today I'm not even sure what would happen. The biggest thing for me with regards to cars is to remember not to pump the brakes if you start to slide on ice. If you do that to anti lock brakes they go all screwy.
I apparently mumble a lot more too. Joe is constantly asking me: "What?" Talking out loud helps me remember what I need to do. I finally told Joe not to worry about what I say if he can't hear me. "If I want you to know something I will make sure you hear me, otherwise just ignore me or agree."
I have taken to carrying a small journal around with me wherever I go so I can keep notes. The problem is sometimes I can't remember where I put the journal. I could always put it on a chain around my neck with my reading glasses but that would be annoying. I read somewhere that if you want to look 10 years older, just wear a pair of glasses on a chain around your neck. I try not to do that, so consequently I forget where I put my reading glasses as well. I have 10 pair of them. They are usually pretty easy to find. Sometimes I find them on top of my head. That's the best place to find them because if I have to go to another room to look for them I will probably forget what I'm looking for by the time I get to the other room.
"Use it or lose it", they say. I'm definetly using it, I just wish the warranty was better.
You and I are a hot mess! Between the two of us, maybe we make up one good brain ;)
Maybe it's hormones. Yours are all active and mine are all going away. Ha Ha.
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