My dad would have been 89 years old today if he had not died at the young age of 63. I can't believe he has been dead 25 years! I miss my Daddy. He taught me a lot of things, and most of them I didn't realize until after he was gone. He would be glad to know that all of those times when he thought I wasn't listening, I really was. Maybe I didn't apply his teachings then, but I do now on a daily basis. The moral of the story is: when you have told your child for the hundreth time what to do or not to do, eventually it will sink in. It may be 20 years, but it will sink in. So don't give up.
Your comments are very accurate. I recentely received an e-mail from my youngest. In it he related how smart and insightful I am. He figured that I learned all of that in the past two or three years. I really know that he didn't think that but when something happens in your life and you learn to rely on those closest to you sometimes you are amazed at how much they really care and how helpful they can be. I know that Dad would be proud of you Patti, I learned from him and I'm proud of you too. Happy Birthday Dad, I love and miss you.
Happy Birthday Grandpa!I don't really remember him, but I know I would have loved him:)
He really was a good man! Whenever I think of him, the word integrity comes to my mind. His word was his bond.
What a great picture!
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