Hang Man

Friday, July 25, 2008

I had to retire my beloved leopard print boots. The rubber cracked and now they leak. I don't want any chicken poop oozing in so I put them to pasture as flower planters. My new pair of boots are on their way. Hopefully the ones I ordered are made a little better. They are olive green with hearts. Got to stay stylish!


Bonnie said...

Hi, P! Just wanted to say hello...it's been awhile! :)

Love those boots...I have a pair of rubber boots, too, for rainy days. Gotta have those to keep your tootsies safe from those spontaneous Big Apple downpours!

Hope all is well!

Lauren said...

Ooooh-where did you order them from? I LOVE my wellies!

Lisa said...

Love, love, love the boots. Quite a stylish coop as well. I think they will be very happy. Bunny's cute too! I am excited to hear about the chicken's arrival.

Patti said...

The leopard boots came from Target. My new ones I got from Muck Boots online.com