Hang Man

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Take A Moment And Think

We call Memorial Day a holiday. I'm not sure that is quite fitting. Holiday's conjure up feelings of festivities and relaxation. Most people look forward to Memorial Day as a three day weekend, and an excuse to have a party or cookout. Memorial Day is traditionally when swimming pools open up. It's kind of the unofficial start to summer. There is nothing wrong with all of that, as long as we remember the reason for the holiday. Memorial Day honors the men and women that have died serving our country in the military. If your life has not been touched by knowing someone that has died in a war, or even knowing someone in the military. It's easy to dismiss the fact that there is even a war going on. I do that sometimes because the fact that young boys and girls are dying in a foreign country away from their families is repulsive to me. The whole idea of war is barbaric. As evolved as we are, we still have to resort to violence to try and solve our differences. I do however support the military. I know it is necessary. Thank God we have Americans that are willing to do the right thing. I support the military efforts, but I don't have to like it. My Father, brothers and nephews have all served in the military. I have grown up with a respect for all of them. It's a different war now. Our current enemies don't fight fair. All the more reason to respect our soldiers. My family has been lucky. They have been wounded, but none have died serving our country. While you are celebrating this three day holiday, remember the families that weren't so lucky. Remember the soldiers that died alone and scared so that you are able to enjoy this "holiday." It's hard and it makes me sick to my stomach to think of the pain families go through in the name of freedom, but they deserve our thanks. We can endure a moment of sorrow thinking about it and showing respect. For the families touched by war, that moment lasts a lifetime.

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