Hang Man

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Honor Your Mother

Happy Mother's Day to all of you Mothers out there. There really needs to be more than one day to celebrate Mothers. It's a freakin hard job and it never ends. Then you have Grandmothers. It's like being a parent all over again but you don't have any control over them. FYI: It's not a good idea to try and tell your kids how to raise their kids. I don't do that; of course, I'm just trying to warn all you other Grandmothers not to do it. As a Grandmother you need to show self restraint. Besides it's the parents that are going to have to deal with the fall out of their bad decisions (pay back). Remember, they have to learn to parent just like you did. Guess what? You weren't always right either. So no matter how much you want to butt in, give them their space. You raised them, they will do the right thing. Unless of course your an idiot. Then your kids will be idiots too. It's a vicious cycle that is hard to break. As a Grandmother you can however, be a little more adventurous with the activities you engage in with your grandchildren. Like letting them walk around in the chicken yard with no shoes, spraying their hair with white hair paint for no apparent reason, putting tattoos on their foreheads, letting them play in the mud and sand and then hosing them down and finally, letting them paint your toenails and fingernails with a magic marker. What happens at Grandma's stays at Grandma's. It's easier to let loose with your grand kids because you don't have all the parental worries stressing you out. Being a Grandmother is kind of like getting a do over. You can do the things with your grand babies that maybe you didn't have time to do with your kids. So everyone, be kind to your Mother's today and everyday. Who else would do a job with no pay and little gratitude.


Yourmamasbooty said...

Happy Mothers Day. Love you!

Manders24 said...

I like it. Well said! Happy Mother's Day, I love you too. We are two lucky people to have a mom like you

Manders24 said...

So does Jaxon get a video montage for his birthday?

Patti said...

I Love you guys too!

I'll have to work on the video montage.

Lauren said...

HOpe you all had a great weekend!

Yourmamasbooty said...

Jaxon needs to put in more time before he gets a montage. Do you even know what I went through to get that? That was years and years of being a perfect son!