Hang Man

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Hooray For Power Tools

It's raining today which is probably a good thing. I have been working like a mad woman trying to get the yard work done and my garden planted. I have neglected the inside of my house for weeks. No one come over, I would be horrified. Joe hasn't had a good home cooked meal in awhile. We've had mostly takeout and eggs. I can't do everything I'm only one person!!!!! Yesterday I worked with my favorite piece of power equipment; the POWER WASHER! Actually it's my favorite outdoor piece of equipment. My indoor favorite is my COMPOUND MITER SAW! Who could have just one favorite when there are so many. I power washed the algae and scum off of the house and decks. I had on my rain gear (coat and pants) and goggles. I thought I was completely prepared to stay dry. What I didn't account for was the water running down my sleeve into my pants when I lifted the sprayer above my head. That was cold! Next time I guess I'm going to have to rubber band the sleeves. It's amazing to me how effective a power washer is. The dirt just melts away. You do however have to be careful. Depending on which nozzle you use, you can take the paint off of things or the skin off of your toes. (Note to self: wear shoes when power washing). You know how when you are using a regular hose and maybe you get grass and stuff on your feet and you take the hose and mindlessly spray off your feet? You can't do that with a power washer. It really hurts. One has to stay vigilant. I get carried away when I power wash. I'll be working on the house and I come by a piece of lawn furniture and I think "hmmmm, wonder if I can clean that?" I cleaned the ladder I was using and the deck box. Oh, and my shoes. One however needs to estimate the distance an object will fly when hit with the stream from the power washer. I had to retrieve my shoe from down the hill. One last piece of advice. Don't clean out the gutters with a power washer, especially after you have just cleaned the side of the house. I had gutter debris up my nose. The best part was using the jet stream to write my name in the dirt on the patio. Now I know why guys like using their jet stream that way. However, with my jet stream I could write the Gettysburg address if I wanted to. Ha, in your face!

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