Hang Man

Friday, December 31, 2010

Please Make It Stop

There is a show called "Teen Mom".  Apparently showcasing teen Mom's and their trial and tribulations.  If the series successfully showed how hard it is to be a Mother let alone a teenage Mother there may be some redeeming value to it.  As it is, all it does is launch these girls to celebrity status, sending the message; if you get pregnant as a teen you too can be on TV.  I have to admit I have never seen the show and never will.  I have however seen excerpts from it.  In addition, one of the more infamous Moms is from Indiana.  What a great claim to fame for our state.  I heard on the news tonight the Mom from Indiana is paid $280,000.00 a year to be on this show. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!!!!!! What is wrong with people.  There are hard working people trudging to dead end jobs everyday so they can pay their bills, yet a socially unfit immature dumb ass teenager makes hundreds of thousands of dollars for being a socially unfit immature dumb ass teenager.  All I can do is shake my head and cry.

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