Hang Man

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Please At Least Say Hello

Isn't the point of a Walmart greeter to greet you when you walk in the door?? Otherwise they would call them Walmart person standing at the doorway not wanting to make eye contact or not having the social skills to interact with people.

Honestly I could care less if a person is at the door to greet me when I walk in to shop.  However, if Walmart is going to pay someone to stand at the door to "greet" people, then they should at least train them to say hello.

I have been to Walmarts where there have been cute little 'ol men so happy to see me and make sure I have a shopping cart.  That's fun, it makes me smile. 

Today I was greeted by a sad little woman, not looking at me or even responding when I said hello.  Maybe it was just a fluke and I caught her on a bad day. 

I had to go out of the store and then return because I forgot something only to find a new greeter at the door.  I was full of anticipation hoping this new greeter would give me a smile and a hardy HELLO!  No such luck, she was as sullen as the last person.

You know times are tough when Walmart can't even hire a greeter that actually fulfills their job description.

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