Hang Man

Friday, July 24, 2009

Pray For Meeeeeee

I've been moving Mom's stuff from Kingston a little bit at a time. Mainly because I don't know what to do with it. I've downsized her things twice now but there is still a lot of stuff. I came across this cute little box. I opened it and found 50 or so small strips of paper with names on them. I remembered she told me one time that it is a prayer box. I'm not sure if it's like a raffle and you pick a name and that's who you pray for, or if by virtue of your name being in the box you're guaranteed a prayer. I think it's the latter. I started reading all of the names. Some of the people I didn't know, but most of them were relatives. She had the names of all of her kids and grand kids and spouses and great grand kids. Julie and her family and Lorrie and Brian. Everyone was covered. I was getting a little worried though because as I was reaching the bottom of the box I hadn't found one with my name on it. Does she think I am perfect and I don't need prayers or does she think I'm so far gone it wouldn't do any good to pray for me? She had Shane and Dina in there twice. What does that mean? I was relieved as I retrieved my name from the pile. It said: Joe, Patti and.......Ellie. Yes, she even prays for Ellie! How sweet is that! I'm learning a lot about my Mom by going through her belongings. She kind, generous, loving and a bit of a pack rat.

1 comment:

Manders24 said...

Oh my gosh, how sweet. Actually I kind of remember something like that when I was little and would spend the night at her house. Actually, I am not sure if I remember the box, but I remember she would spend time praying for different people, but in detail, not just vague or general praying. I love me some grandma:)