Hang Man

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Hit and Run

I was listening to the radio the other day and they were talking about a book by Larry Winget. I don't know who Larry Winget is and I don't know if I would like the book, but the title is great. "People Are Idiots...And I Can Prove It". I may have to get it to see if he shares any of my views on the less than stellar portion of our society. I believe the title is somewhat of a misnomer because this Larry guy is a motivational speaker. I'm not sure that calling people idiots would be very motivational. It may be worth a look though. I'm going to write my own book and it's going to be called: "People Don't Give A Shit...And I Can Prove It". Case in Point. Put yourself in this scenario. You drive a County snow plow. Your in this big truck that has a large blade across the front that protrudes out from the sides. There are large mirrors on either side to help you see the cars that are stacked up behind you and the idiot that is trying to pass you on a snow covered icy road. You work for the County, so you know that there are mailboxes that line one side of the road. The mailboxes have to be there so the mail carrier can reach it. They aren't in the road or hanging over into the road, so you know that if you drive your plow probably 2 feet away from any mailbox, you won't hit it with your blade or mirror. Right? Well......the rocket scientists that drive the snow plow down my street have not figured that out. My mailbox got its head knocked off. If this was the first time it occurred I wouldn't be so quick to judge. You know, accidents happen, but this is the second time that my mailbox was the victim of a hit and run by a snowplow. After the first time, the County paid for a new mailbox. If I can't fix this mailbox, they will be getting a bill for it too. That is probably why my taxes keep going up, the drivers hit the mailboxes and figure that the County will pay for it. They just don't give a SHIT! They need to do Yoga.

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