Hang Man

Monday, January 26, 2009

Arthur Itis

I went to an ortho doctor the other day to have him look at my shoulders. Both of them are sore, mostly the right one. I wanted to make sure that my own diagnosis of tendinitis was correct, and that I wasn't going to injure myself further by doing Yoga. Yoga by the way is awesome! I believe it to be the best exercise that you can do for your body. My ortho doc agrees. I have done it on and off for years. Why I ever stop is a mystery to me, because it makes me feel wonderful! I digress. So the doc says yes I have tendinitis, but I can continue with Yoga. Yah! Then he says in an "oh by the way" tone, you have some arthritis in your AC joint. (Joint between the scapula and clavicle.) WHAT!!! I didn't have to know that, I'm not having pain there. Was that his way of saying; "your getting f-ing old!" AHHHHHHHH! My first arthritis diagnosis. I blame Dave Hart. My boyfriend from 1975-1977. He was a weight lifter, so I lifted weights too. That set me up for my current shoulder problems. Damn you Dave Hart.


Manders24 said...

You're not old! You are vibrant and beautiful no matter what your joints say!

Patti said...

Thanks Manders! I can always count on you for some moral support.