Hang Man

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Death by Yoga

I have been talking about how much I love Yoga, and how good it makes me feel. Well, I do love it and it does make me feel good, but it almost killed me the other day. Ok, so I'm exaggerating a little bit. It's more like I almost passed out. I do fine until I have to do a pose where you bend backwards or go upside down as in a shoulder stand. I think I held the pose a little too long so basically all of my blood went to the upper part of my body, so when I stood up the blood all rushed down and left me sweating, dizzy, shaky and nauseous. Good times!
Note to self: Don't do that again!


Yourmamasbooty said...

I am going to post a manda comment:

Mom your an inspiration, you can do anything you put your mind to. I just know that you will nail that shoulder stand next time. Go you!

Patti said...

My yin yang is in balance, so your fighting is transcending into the black hole of negativity and therefore making the world a bright and shiny place. Be one with each other in humanity.
(I don't know what any of that means, but doesn't it sound yogaie?)