Hang Man

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Alone in the Cold

Joe left me today! Not for good (I hope). He went to Florida without me. He's driving down with Dr. Tomusk. That makes me a little nervous. Two senior citizens with no female supervision. Joe gets lost driving in parking lots and Tommy is a little less than observant sometimes. Everyone stop and say a quick prayer that they make it in one piece. Not to mention they have a kayak tied to the top of the car. If nothing else, they should be easy to spot; the kayak is bright yellow. I am staying behind here in frigid Ft. Wayne to help take care of grand babies and stay close to my mom. Mom by the way asked me why I was letting Joe go to Florida by himself. As if I control his every move. Ok, maybe I think I control his every move, but in reality he does have a mind of his own. Besides, he deserves all of the pleasures in life that come his way. He's worked hard and he is a good and selfless man. I just like to think that he needs me to take care of him. He can take care of himself, he just wouldn't do it well enough to suit me. Actually I think it's me that needs the supervision. I tend to get myself in trouble when I don't have Joe around to keep my crazy ideas in check. Maybe you should say a prayer for me too, that I don't cut off a finger using my saw or fall off of the roof because I think I can straighten the weather vane on the barn myself. (I have thought about it.) When were apart I guess we're both a little aimless, but together we're a good team. I miss him already!


Lauren said...

Is he sending you hourly text messages with his location?

Patti said...

No, I don't think he knows how to text.

bestmama said...

Cautious Connie definetly should not be texting. He can figure out the most amazing things with brains, but he should not be texting:)

Patti said...

He even admits he can't type. That is why he got voice recognition software for his computer so he can talk his e-mails. By the way, Conny is with a "y".