Hang Man

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

New Year's Resolution

My New Year's resolution is to not make any resolutions. Most people including me like to make the resolution to lose weight or exercise more. That is a great resolution, but rarely lasts more than a couple months. I would like to make the resolution that I will be 10 years younger by the end of the year, but short of a major miracle, that isn't going to happen either. Unless of course I visit my friendly neighborhood plastic surgeon. Funny thing, I got a Christmas e-mail from Dr. Lee's office. Seems they have a 10% discount offer going on right now. Even plastic surgeons are feeling the economic crunch. He's gonna have to wait though, I'm not up for that. (At least not yet).
Actually I am going to make a resolution. It's not something I can really fail at because it can't really be measured, so I am safe from ridicule for not having kept it. I resolve to make an "effort" to leave the house more and be more social. I know, Weird! I am actually well on my way to becoming a hermit. If I could get someone to shop for me, I would probably never leave the house. I am perfectly happy and content to stay in my own little world. I'll work on that and I guess we'll see what happens.


bestmama said...

Ummm....I will still be your personal shopper if the need ever arises:) I am only here to help you out Patti.

Patti said...

Sarah you are so Altruistic.

bestmama said...

okay, what ever you say....

Lauren said...

I hate all the people who vow to lose weight and take up my treadmill/elipticals when I try to go work out.....at least they fade by the end of the month!