Hang Man

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Political Story Time

Remember when you were little and your parents said: "If you don't have anything nice to say about someone, then don't say anything at all." It's kind of the cornerstone of proper manners. Apparently it doesn't apply to the political process. Slinging mud is the order of the day. Each party blaming the other and printing and saying things that are untrue and totally taken out of context. How is the average American supposed to make an informed decision when we're not even sure what to believe? I have actually been more involved in this election process than I have ever been. I have watched the debates, I've listened to CNN and MSNBC. I read any article I can that pertains to each parties policies and where they stand on issues, and I am more confused than ever. The money alone that they raise for their campaigns is obscene, and they spend it on ads to trash each other. How demeaning to the American people. It's like high school. The government is like the popular kids. They can do anything and get away with it. Then there is the rest of us and we have to go along for the ride. When it comes down to it, the presidential race is a popularity contest. Who do you like best? Who looks the best on camera? Who looks Presidential? Who do I think would make the best President? A better question is who would do a better job than George Bush? Well actually Joe the Plumber would probably make a better President than George Bush, but he's not running.


Manders24 said...

Nice. Have you seen any of the SNL sketches of the debates? It was funny, last they centered the whole skit around "Joe" the plumber...and do you know he's not even a plumber.....oh yea check out my pic of joe on my blog.

Manders24 said...

Nice. Have you seen any of the SNL sketches of the debates? It was funny, last they centered the whole skit around "Joe" the plumber...and do you know he's not even a plumber.....oh yea check out my pic of joe on my blog.

Steve said...

Sure would like to know what happened to my comment. I sent one in this morning. Quite lengthy too. It pretty much set everything straight on my political views. Evidently it hit too close to home and the Blog natzis deleted it

Patti said...

Did you seriously send something and it didn't post? I wonder why Manda's comment printed twice. Maybe we are being censered and now your on the political watch list. Oh NO! What are we going to do???? I absolutely didn't erase anything, I'm all for free speech!

Steve said...

Yes I did send quite a long political essay on how we are going to hell in a handbasket and Barak is continue the slide if he gets elected. Basically I bashed him for his stand on the second ammendment. I wish I was a fly on the wall at Pat and Jerrys house. I'm sure it gets a little heated at times. I won't expound on that subject though.

Patti said...

Politics and religion will cause an arguement everytime.