Hang Man

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Unpredictable Kids and Animals

Why is it that kids and animals always do what you don't want them to do. Is there some cosmic hand that comes down and guides them to mischief? Jaxon is seemingly occupied playing with my spools of thread which I will unravel later. I figure I could maybe cut some material for the pillows I am making. I get the material all even and laid out on the cutting mat and Jax comes over and sits down right in the middle of the fabric. I know he did it on purpose. Fine, I'll move onto something else. He's playing in the playroom quietly so maybe I'll crochet a little. No, as soon as I pick up the crochet I become a human jungle gym for him to climb on. I surrender, besides his dad will be here soon. Brad gets here and I hand off Jax. I happen to glance out the window and I see Happy on the hill in the backyard. Happy isn't supposed to be on the hill, because that means he is out of his cage. Brad and I run outside and corral him pretty quickly thank goodness. He had dug a hole under the wire on the grass cage. What an ungrateful bastard! He tried to hump his sister, now he tries to escape. He doesn't realize how good he has it. My animals are probably treated better than some peoples kids. To top off the last hour, Ellie rolled in chicken shit. Very runny chicken shit! I think even she was disgusted because she kept coughing. Then there is my little fibber boy Julian. He asked for cookies but Mom said no because they were going to eat dinner soon. He gets me in the house under the guise of having to go to the bathroom. "So, how bout those cookies?" "Your Mommy said no." "Just give them to me real quick and I'll eat them fast." I finally convince him that we can't disobey his Mommy. He's standing by the dishwasher and says I didn't push any buttons and then goes out the door to leave. I really didn't pay attention to his comment about pushing buttons, until later when I looked at the dishwasher and it was lit up like a Christmas Tree. What a little fibber! Unpredictable but never boring.....I love them all.


bestmama said...

Don't call my children names!

Patti said...

Hey I was sticking up for you with the cookie thing! Besides he is a little fibber and I love him to pieces.

Manders24 said...

Awww kids! They always have a way of getting on your nerves but they are so dang cute, it makes up for it! Jaxy does it on purpose...he totally thinks about what he can get into next

bestmama said...

Like the only two flowers Jaxy pulled out of their pots yesterday!LOL, they are great!

Patti said...

Did Jax pull up your psycho neighbors flowers????

bestmama said...

Now that would be AWESOME!!!