Hang Man

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Life gets in the way

It seems like life always has a way of getting in the middle of what you really want to do. Amanda, Brad and Jaxon are here which is great, but Jaxon is sick. Stomach virus type stuff (I won't gross you out with the details). I am watching him sleep right now which is definitely what he needs. Brad and Joe are fishing. Hopefully Joe will find his way back home. Amanda and I were going to go to Naples but thought better of it since Jax is still not feeling good. Amanda just left to go to the pool. So I guess its not so bad after all. We all get what we want....Brad fishing, Amanda relaxing by the pool and I get time alone with my grand baby.

Oh yeah I promised you a new saying. I heard this from of a guy on Oprah. "Experience is what you get when you don't get what you want."


Anonymous said...

At least your blog is not a daily ramble of lifes events. I just farted. Sorry about that. Any way I am enjoying your postings. Dog just peed on my foot. I will check in every few days to ketchup on your latest escapades. I don't want to hear about Juan the pool boy though. Just farted again must have been something that I et.

Anonymous said...

Kinda had a change of mind. Not sure what part of the family is represented by the videos

Patti said...

did you listen to the first video? Its called What up Doe! Doesn't represent anything but fun.

Anonymous said...

Didn't get all the way through it. Those of us on dial-up have to sit for a looooong time to get the full story. By the time it gets loaded I'm tired of listening to rap they just left the c off of it. Just a personal thing I guess

Patti said...

I'm not fond of rap either but it fits the theme. Plus it was Bryan's idea.

Yourmamasbooty said...

Its all about opening your mind! Its not about liking or not liking rap. It's about what the song represents.

"Free your mind and the rest will follow. Be color blind don't be so shallow" En Vogue