Hang Man

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


There are high, low, reasonalbe, adaptive, unrealistic and even Great Expectations. When you get ready for a vacation, you have high expectations that the weather where you are going will be great and you will do all kinds of exciting and fun things. Anticipation is high and you are excited. You get to your destination and oh, lets just say your baby is sick and has diarrhea all over your clothes. Your expectations take a nose dive because well....that was unexpected. So, you adapt your expectations. You have a sick baby, but the weather is really great. Now you have reasonable expectations. You can hang out and just relax in the nice weather. Then it rains. Now, you guessed it...low expectations and disappointment. Then out of nowhere the baby starts feeling better and the sun comes out. Expectations now jump to unrealistic because you want to do everything in one day. Alas, the baby projectile vomits on you and expectations are at an all time low. I believe that is what is referred to as an emotional roller coaster. (Kind of like me when I'm un-medicated). Anyway, What was my point? Oh yeah...the moral of the story is; keep your expectations low and you might never be disappointed. That's not really the moral that would be silly. What I believe is have great expectations, be excited and anticipatory. Maybe you'll be disappointed, but that's ok. The more emotions and feelings you have the more alive you really are. Plus a perfect vacation would make for boring stories that no one wants to hear, but telling them about how your baby had diarrhea all over the flight attendant on the way home; that's funny.


Yourmamasbooty said...

Help! I am locked in the bathroom, and I there is no one in town to let me out.

Yourmamasbooty said...

Brad and Joe I know you are having a hard time catching fish. Feel free to admire the picture of me with my fish to motivate you. Anything I can do to help I will.

Joe Purdue plays Thursday at 2:30 in the opening round FYI.

Patti said...

quit giving your sister a hard time