Hang Man

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Home Sweet Home

We were able to get back into our condo this afternoon. I spent the entire rest of the day cleaning and putting things back together. I get to sleep in my own bed tonight thank goodness. Joe hurt his back lifting some boxes so he got out of cleaning. What a scammer. There is bad news though. There were some casualties as a result of the exterminating. Joe found some dead curly tailed lizards. We buried them and I said a prayer and we gave them there own little shell headstones.....just kidding, they did die but we didn't bury them or anything. Oh and our satellite tv died too. We think they moved the dish when they tented the building and so it messed up the signal. I don't really care that much but the satellite supplies not only us with tv but also our neighbors. They were none too happy about it! Instead of watching TV I am entertaining myself by blogging. I hate to sound stupid, but why is it called a blog? Does that stand for something? Did someone just say one day.....I want to reach as many people as I can on the Internet, I think I'll BLOG. God Bless my kids for commenting on my blog! If I told more than 3 or 4 people that I had a blog, maybe I would get more comments. Should I be embarrassed that I have a blog? Am I too old to blog? To blog or not to blog...that is the question.


Manders24 said...

This blog is too funny. Should I get a blog now? It is funny to actually read what goes on in that head of yours! And Bryan just so you know..I have allipanthashark repelent! :)

Anonymous said...

You are definitely not too old to blog! It is so much fun telling whoever will listen what is going on in life, ins't it? I really enjoy it myself!