Hang Man

Sunday, January 18, 2009

People That Piss Me Off

Ann Coulter. Do you know who she is? I didn't until I watched her in an interview on the Today's Show. She is a conservative and is a columnist or I should say was a columnist for I think the New York Times. They apparently dropped her as a writer because for lack of a better phase; she is a self promoting, simple minded, obnoxious, bitch. People in her own political party wanted her out because she was giving them a bad name. I only saw her for 5 minutes and she annoyed the hell out of me. She has written a book and was on the Today's Show promoting it. Matt Lauer was asking her to elaborate on some of her comments in the book. One statement she made had to do with single parents and how they are the reason this society is in the toilet. Specifically single women parents. Statistically speaking most of the criminals in jail right now are from single parent homes. That may be so, but I don't think you can solely blame single parenting as the reason. I was a single parent and my kids aren't criminals. I think it has to do more with economics and the people you surround yourself with. That is my problem with people like her. Everything is not black and white. To make all or never statements shows single mindedness and intolerance. Different points of view makes for good discussions but rigid thinking and ideals makes for wars. I only bring this up because she and other people like her piss me off. I read somewhere that blogging about things like this helps promote good health because you can get if off your mind and move on to other things more productive. So, I am done thinking about you Ann Coulter, you are nothing more than a pimple on the butt of humanity.

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