Hang Man

Monday, January 19, 2009

Fun With Fashion

Fashion today is pretty much anything goes. There are the trend setters, the jeans and t-shirt crowd, the vintage hand me down crowd, and various other eclectic fashionistias. I think it's all great! Whatever makes you feel good. I still have a t-shirt that I wear from 1977. It has a picture of Arnold Schwarzenegger when he was Mr. Olympia. Make-up and hairstyles are part of the fashion craze as well. If I see someone with spiked pink hair, I say "good for them!" It's probably not something that I would do, but it doesn't matter. It's self expression at it's best. This brings me to the point of today's blog. There is one thing with regard to fashion that I don't get. I am hoping someone out there has the answer. Everyone has seen this before, a seemingly normally dressed woman. Nothing outlandish, maybe wearing a top that is a little too tight, but otherwise nothing that is worth a double take. Until you look at her cheeks. No, not the butt cheeks. Right in the middle of the apple of her cheeks are two pink circles, well defined and very round. Or maybe it's two pink brush marks; equally defined rectangles. No blending, just war paint type marks. The color is never a subdued pink, but rather crayola hot pink. I really want to know what these women are thinking when they put on their makeup. "Hmmmm, I think I'll do the bozo makeup today." Or is it a cry for help? "Help, I'm being held prisoner by an evil clown that paints my face and makes me go out in public." Where is their family and friends. Do they not have anyone around to tell them that a little blending would make all the difference in the world? Do they not see the hundreds of magazines at the checkout counters and images everywhere of women with their blush blended in? Honestly, they can do whatever they want. I just want to know WHY!


Anonymous said...

With regard to your comments about women with hot pink cheeks, I feel there may be an anthropological explanation. If one looks at suhuman primates such as chimpanzees and bonobos, the female of the species has a time during the estrus cycle when the external genitalia become quite tumescent with a pink or reddish discoloration. When this occurs, it is a signal to the male of the species that the female is ready to copulate. While the human female does not have an estrus cycle, one can't help but feel that the hot pink cheeks are an anthropological throwback in behavior that says"I want it bad!" "Dr. O Know"

Manders24 said...

Wow, never seen that before. I carry a blush brush in my purse and probably would be tempted to blend their blush in myself, if I ever came across someone like that.

Manders24 said...

Maybe you should be a hermit, because then you wont come across people like that in this crazy world

Patti said...

Dr. O Know I laughed my ass off at your response. It's also very plausible. You have a gift. I see a blog site in your future.

Manders24 said...

Mom, you should post that video that Bryan has of Julian farting on your blog..it is hilarious

Steve said...

You sure your not confusing it with the circles in the nippeaneous region. I know that area sometimes gets a reddish hew and parts of it become engorged with extra blood flow causing quite tumescent with a pink or reddish discoloration.

Patti said...

You men all have a one track mind!

bestmama said...

Poor lady at the basketball game. I sat here and thought..."who else just told me the same thing?" Nope, not someone else, just Patti. I can be the witness to it though, her blush was in two perfect circles on the apples of her cheeks. I know what I am wearing to the next family event. Holy Shit Joe....could you sound anymore like a doctor in your blog...jeez:)