Hang Man

Monday, June 30, 2008

Eureka! I found it

I, like many people have a hard time getting motivated to exercise. It's not that I don't have the time, it's that I don't make the time. I know that exercising makes me feel better so why is it so hard to do????? I still don't know the answer to that but at long last I have found the key to working out without being bored. So far it only works on my stationary exercise bike though. I could probably do it on the treadmill too but it might be a little trickier. What is it you ask......Nintendo DS lite. For those of you who don't know, the DS is a hand held gaming device. I got one recently and I LOVE it. I don't play the action type games though. I play the puzzle type games. Sudoku, crossword, anagram etc... My favorite is the brain age game. There are random exercises that you have to do for training, then you take a test. After the test you are scored as to the age of your brain function. 20 years old is the best you can do. I achieved that today for the first time. I have 2 brain age game cards and on one I am 20 and the other I am 51. Oops! So I play them while I ride my exercise bike. I wear a heart rate monitor so I know if I am exercising hard enough and I play the games. I rode the bike for an hour and I didn't even realize it. I was so engrossed in the game that time just flew by. I have never ridden that bike for an hour before. So I got to work out my brain and my body at the same time and I am actually looking forward to it tomorrow. Watching TV while riding the bike is not the same effect. TV doesn't engage your brain enough. I did try to crochet on the bike and that worked out pretty good until I got the yarn wrapped around the pedal. Tomorrow I'll tell you about my other little exercise gadget I got on ebay.


Lauren said...

Those Nintendo DS are awesome-I want to get one for my mom!

Lisa said...

Good combo . . . maybe you can invent equipment with a built in screen that you can purchase games for so you can play during exercise. You are not the only one who cannot get motivated. Just a thought!