Hang Man

Friday, January 29, 2010

My Lucky Day

Another beautiful day in Chokoloskee. Little did I know this would turn out to be my lucky day. I rode my bike into Everglade City to take care of some errands. I decided I should go to the Right Choice Supermarket to get some carrots and tomato juice (gotta get my antioxidants). Supermarket is a misnomer when it comes to Right Choice. The grocery is only five aisles and smells like a wet dog; however, it will do in a pinch. After I grabbed my carrots and juice I was perusing the aisles for lack of anything better to do. I'm in the middle of the third aisle and my eye wanders to the second shelf. I see a familiar container; baby blue and yellow with a red lid. Could it be????? I grab the container and draw it to my chest and hold tight like it's the holy grail. Yes, my beloved Cremora. I can't believe it; of all the places to find it when I had scoured all of the stores in Naples to no avail. I had to share my excitement with the cashier. I told her my tales of woe not being able to find Cremora anywhere. I figured she would think I was crazy, but I didn't care. To my surprise she says: "I know what you mean, that is the only creamer than my girlfriend will use." Who knew I would find my kindred spirit in Everglade City, Florida. I left the store clutching my two bottles of Cremora close to my heart. I wiped the tears of Joy from my cheeks and marveled at this wonderful turn of events. This is the best day ever!

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