Hang Man

Thursday, December 18, 2008

What Not To Do With a 4 Wheeler

I should have a "hat cam". I could wear it while I'm doing projects around the house, and then when I do something stupid (which is often) it will be caught on tape. I could make a fortune. Today I decided to clean the bunny cages. I usually use the 4 wheeler with the trailer attached so that I can take the bunny poo to the compost pile. I parked the 4 wheeler in front of the garage while I ran into the house to get my gloves. I left it in gear and with the choke out so it would continue to warm up. As I am coming out of the house I realize that it sounds like the 4 wheeler is moving. Oh yeah! It's heading straight for the hill above the River. It's going at a pretty good clip considering that the choke is out and it's going downhill. I take off running after it, screaming all the while (like that's gonna help). Just as it hit the top of the hill, it took a slight turn right just skimming the edge of the hill for about 25 yards. So, it's missed going over the hill and into the river, but now it's heading for the wood fence around the old pasture. I manage to catch up to it and do an Indiana Jones by grabbing the handle and jumping on. Catastrophe averted thanks to my lightening speed and agile limbs. Whatever! I shouldn't be left alone.

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